Alpha!Magik x Omega!Fem!Reader

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The art is by Douglas-Bicalho on DeviantArt!

Just pure fluff with a lil bit of tension


Your POV

I make my way down to the hanger, excited to see my girlfriend again. You see I somehow, attracted the beautiful, and impressive alpha Illyana or better known as Magik. We both agreed to keep it secret since we both didn't want to be overwhelmed by the attention. Only a few close friends know about us being together, and with how hidden Illyana's mark is very few others have found out.

I decided to sit myself on one of the nearby crates, humming as I hug my girlfriend's jacket closer to me to battle the freezing temperature of the hangar. After a few minutes the door opens, revealing Scott. To be honest I never really liked the beta. He always seemed too cocky and confident, and despite being with Alpha Jean he tended to flirt with me and other omegas.  He seems taken back by my presence and walks over to me.

"What are you doing here Y/N?"

"I wanted to check up on Magik after they land."

"You two always seem so close." He responds, "Wait isn't that her jacket?"

"Y-Yeah. She let me borrow it after mine got torched." I half lie looking away from him

"And you two aren't a thing?" He pushes taking  a step closer to me

"No." I huff getting annoyed by his intrusion of my personal space, "And even if we were it would be none of your buisness."

The beta frowns but doesn't back off, "Well um how would you like to go to the homecoming dance with me?"

"I don't really do big events." I sigh, "Besides I thought you were going with Jean?"

"She was going to go but she canceled on me." He responds sounding a bit angry

"Good luck then. You still have a week to find a date. I'm sure a lot of people would like to go with you."

"Yeah but they aren't you."

Did he just really say that? I furrow my brows turning my gaze back to him.

"Funny you say that. You always use to flaunt about Jean and the one time she cancels on you, you're suddenly angry and want a rebound."

"I'm not angry and you're not a rebound!" He snarls cornering me against the crate

"Keep telling yourself that." I snarl

He snarls back, grabbing the front of Magik's jacket and pulling me towards him, "You listen here-"

"I would suggest letting go of my omega." A growl joins in, echoing off the walls

We both turn our heads to see Magik and Jean standing by the bay doors, glaring at Scott. The beta back tracks and I swiftly ran into Illyana's arms. I let out a small whimper as I nuzzle against her. Her arm wraps around my waist as Jean growls at Scott.

"Care to explain Scott?"


Jean turns to Illyana, "You two can go back to your dorm. I'll handle Scott."

Illyana nods, sending one last glare towards the beta before walking me out of the hangar. Once we were far from the hangar she suddenly stops and turns to me.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No he didn't. He just got a bit close and threatening."

Illyana nods her glare still remaining as she checked me over for any injuries. While she did that I did the same, frowning when I see a cut on her cheek. She tenses when I cup her cheek.

"You're hurt."

"It's nothing my love."

I give her a look before dragging her to our shared dorm. Once there I forced her to sit down on the bed while I grabbed our first aid kit. She rolled her eyes as I wiped away the dried blood from the cut.

"Малыш (baby) I am fine." She smiles pushing my hand away

"There's no more cuts or bruises?" I push knowing from past experiences that she tends to hide her injuries from me

"There's nothing else." She reassures pulling me onto her lap

I get comfy on her lap tucking my head underneath her chin. My inner omega releases a purr at the closeness of our mate, fully enjoying all of the physical contact. We sit there in comfortable, content silence until I decided to ask a question that's been gnawing at me this whole time.

"Were...were you jealous earlier?" I ask playing with one of her blonde locks

"I was more angry then jealous. I know you're loyal and you'd never do that to me. That's why I never doubt your intentions. Now other's, like Scott's, on the other hand..."

I swiftly pick up on her rising anger and quickly deliver a short yet sweet kiss to calm her down. Her anger decreases as she leans in for another kiss which I happily deliver. After a few more kisses her anger eventually dissipates.

"Well it's a good thing I never really run into Scott much."

"I'll make sure he stays far away after his little stunt. I'm paying him a visit later." My alpha huffs


"What? He's going to deserve everything I have for him."

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