Chapter 11: I finally get burned

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I don't recall the date exactly, but the day itself I recall brightly like the flames that burned me. In the weeks leading up to that day, everything was blurry but from what Naomi told me I went completely catatonic. Apparently I barely talked or even ate and never even opened the curtains. According to her, she would come to visit me during the week but I wouldn't open the door. I couldn't help it, the feeling of blood against my face and dripping on my hands and the image of that creature was seared into my mind.

Okay, so, that day. I woke up early that morning in accordance to B's schedule. He had ordered me to get out of the complex because the next victim was in the motel. I had dressed in my favourite dress, showing off my tattoos, and wore the earrings that my love had gotten me the day we admitted to each other that we loved each other. "You look beautiful my love," he came up behind me and rested his chin in the crook of my neck, pressing soft kisses all over my neck and cheeks purposefully avoiding my lips now that I was trying to put in my lip-ring. Despite feeling numb, I smiled softly and leant into his embrace. It wasn't often that he was this gentle and sincere, so I treasured every second of it when it happened. Now that I think about it, those moments were the ones that I remember the clearest. My B gently reapplied the cream on the cuts on my neck, and then hugged me gently from behind once more; He held my waist like glass about to shatter.

"My love, please talk to me before you leave..."
If I had known what would happen, I would've fallen to my knees and spoken every love affirmation that I had ever thought since knowing him. But I didn't, I only kissed his lips leaving a print from my lipstick, and left the room in silence. To my surprise, Naomi was there outside in her car, but she didn't seem to be here for me. By the time she noticed me, I had already reached the parking lot of the motel.
"Lords! Are you okay?" She asked, to which I nodded and gave her a signature smile.
"I think there's a potential victim here, I was worried it was going to be you," Once again, I remained silent, but I played with her hair instead. It was black like my B's, maybe thats why it was so easy to convince myself that it was okay. She let me do that for a little bit, until the smell of smoke suddenly shocked me back to reality.
"Fire..." I hoarsely whispered.
I sharply turned back to the motel and pointed, my voice more powerful this time "Fire!"

We ran towards the fire, the motel room a few doors down from me was set ablaze and all of a sudden I was recalling the premonitions I had yesterday that I had no idea were premonitions. I slammed my body into the door, it was locked. Whoever was in there was probably burning alive if anyone was in there, and I needed to help them as soon as possible. I grabbed the gun from Naomi's holster and shot the door open, the thick black smoke pouring out of the room and filling my lungs with its poison. I heard Naomi dialling an ambulance outside while I stormed the room. The heat understandably singing my hair and the flames licking at my skin. Through the blaze, I could barely make out the slowly burning form of my love "Beyond!" I screamed and dragged his limp body out of the room, my strength was not like it used to be after weeks of being indisposed. Just touching his burning body, the heating metal doorknob, it burned my hands so much. Dragging him outside, I was greeted by the police, an ambulance, and the fire department. They took him...they took my love away from me and they refused to let me go with him.

"Please, let me go with him!" I cried.
"Let me go, I love him!"
"[REDACTED]" even in recount, I refuse to admit his real name to you. I would never betray him like that. Just the thought of this again is making me tear up and shake again.
That creature was there again, it watched Beyond get carried on to the stretcher and then stared me in my bloodshot eyes.

"Harper! Contain yourself!"
"I can't Naomi, I can't, he's gonna die"
"No he won't, he'll be okay" Naomi cradled me close and comforted me, not as a sex-buddy but as a friend who's witnessing grief.
"They're gonna arrest him and then I'm never gonna see him again," I sobbed into her chest, my fresh makeup now ruined from the flames and tears. Naomi said nothing, only comforting my devastated form. I had never known heartbreak quite like this, it was pure despair.
"It's okay Harper...Lets get your burns treated first okay?" I didn't respond. I could only hear the sounds of my heart shattering to pieces and burning to ash. When you chase a flame, you're bound to get burned and in my instance? That applies quite literally.

Naomi took me to the paramedics that were nearby to help civilians who may be affected, and they treated the burns on my hands and body. That creature made its way towards me, but after everything I had experienced today I had no energy to scream or run away. It laughed its hideous laugh,
"Harper Moreaux, you weren't supposed to be in this story," It spoke.
"Give him back to me," I seethed, disregarding the looks I received from those around me.
"Can't do that missy. You've still got time yet, but not for long,"
It cackled and faded away, and by discussion of the paramedics with Naomi they wanted me to be brought in for potential psychological trauma. I couldn't care a single second when my love Beyond was burned to charcoal and alone without me!

Please, just give me my Beyond back, I don't care if you kill me. I don't care if I have to trek to the other ends of the world, just give me my love back, my happiness, my sanity, my humanity. The flame to my candle...


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