Chapter 7: Till the ink fades

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Last time I checked, it was August 4th 2002. Now where did I leave off...Ah, right.
So I woke up that morning sore to all hell but knew that that day was when I got my tattoo. Basking in the morning silence, a soft smile graced my face when I felt the warm arms of my lover wrap around my waist and pull me closer, gently as if I was a glass doll about to break. I giggled when my favourite scarlet eyes slowly fluttered open and gazed at me. I ran a hand through his hair and then cupped his cheek "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're attached to me," I received a grumble in response and a nuzzle into my bare stomach. The glow of the morning sun peaked through the curtains of our bedroom, lighting up his makeup-less skin like a beautifully carved marble-statue. Our happiness was short-lived when I heard something slipped through the letterbox. I sighed and gently shoved Beyond off of my waist and wrapped a nearby throw blanket around my body as I collected the mail from this morning, only it was a nasty one. An eviction notice, "For fucks sake..." I had just under a month to pack my things and find somewhere else to stay - its not like I had anywhere else anyway, no family or friends really outside of Naomi and Beyond, and since I have no job its unlikely anywhere would take me.

Soft kisses braced my shoulder and those arms once again wrapped around my waist "Don't worry about that for now, I know a place for you..." he whispered, to which my body could relax once more in his arms like I so loved. Ironic for a killer, he saved my life in this circumstance. Those kisses slowly trailed up my shoulder to my neck, retracing the harsh bite marks left from last night,
"'m sorry for being so rough with you..."
"It's alright my love, it was very much enjoyable,"
A soft chuckle resonated in the air. Those extra ten minutes of just standing there in each others arms, naked and vulnerable (quite literally), felt so would be dangerous for me to get used to this, but I wouldn't object to it again.
"I guess our pact is out the window,"
"It was shitty anyway, how on earth would I be able to stay away from a specimen like you and not get attached?"
"Well for an almost double homicide killer, I'd say you were planning to kill me this way" I joked. He did not laugh.
"If anyone lays a single hand on you, even that damn detective, I'll kill them witnesses be damned," his grip grew tighter, kisses growing to possessive bites, nails dug into my skin. "B-Beyond, too tight." But he didn't listen.
"Nobody gets to have you, only I can have you. My Lower Lords... Or should I say [REDACTED]" my whole body tensed, how on earth did he know my real name?

He spun me around to face him, and forcefully kissed me, murmuring his own name into my lips. "I want you to whisper, moan, scream, that name," he demanded, and you don't have to be a super genius detective like L to know that I complied like a bitch in heat.

I was late to my appointment, and the artist to do so was not in the least bit happy about it though my doe eyes and fucked-out smile left him quite happy to keep silent whilst doing his job. Beyond's sketch took a good few hours, which is good because it gave B a chance to actually commit the next stage of the plan; in the meantime, shall we recount all that you know about me? Starting with my appearance: you know that I am female, I have curly brown hair, I'm fairly tanned for a white woman, and that the first two letters of my first name are H.A. That might seem like a lot, but don't get too prideful cause my appearance is incredibly common. Walk around LA for fifteen minutes, and I guarantee you you will find at least three women of the same description to me. I'm not special in that regard. So? What else can I tell you, I've got to keep the game interesting SOMEHOW, even if it is to be a plain-jane-looking girl. How about I share all that I know about B? I know that his eyes are naturally red, that he was born with some special condition or something (though he refused to tell me what it was), that he was also an orphan and lived in England before coming here. He didn't tell me much from there, which felt a bit unfair since he know so much about me but I guess if he's the one fucking me and housing me and keeping me happy and loving me unlike any other then I guess I can't complain too terribly much. Before I knew it, the tattoo was done remarkably quickly (I was so in my head that I didn't even realise). Absolutely gorgeous it was, exactly as I envisioned it. "It looks amazing!" Naomi exclaimed down the phone, I had sent her a picture of it -I claimed that B.L was my parents' initials (which wasn't entirely a lie to be honest) "Thanks! It hurts like hell but Im so happy with how it came out," I beamed. We further talked as I walked back home, mostly about my wellbeing and Naomi gushing over her fiancé, a part of me thinks that this is her only time to really be feminine in its stereotypical sense. There was nothing wrong with it per say, I'm just not used to such a nice interaction with another woman before, let alone another human being itself.

I wouldn't blame you if you think this entire account takes place in my apartment, because it mostly does. Beyond refuses to let me anywhere near the crime scenes, claiming he wouldn't want to "soil my already corrupted heart" bless his strange heart. SO, I arrive home once again, my leg wrapped in cellophane under my shorts. I was greeted with a familiar sight of my beloved B covered in blood. This time, I wasn't so startled and simply gave him a look of disapproval.
"I swear if you get any blood on my couch, I'm gonna lose any chance I had at getting my deposit back"
Clicking his tongue, my B went into the bathroom and stripped to shower - what? I helped! In the most non-sexual way possible.

"So what happened this time?" I asked, in reference to his most recent victim by the alias of Quarter Queen. I was hesitant at first, she was practically a child!
"I was testing a theory of mine, of whether I can cause internal bleeding without breaking the skin of the victim," He described in a macabre way the murder of Quarter Queen, I will admit by the end of it I felt a little queasy but underlying fascinated with the results of the experiment,
"Is something wrong my love Lower Lords?" my heart fluttered at the amorous nickname, since this morning he hasn't mentioned my real name and nor have I mentioned his but I wont deny that it felt sexy to know more than anyone of this man before me.
"What's going to happen to us once you've murdered your final victim?" I asked, he's never told me the name of his final victim so I had no idea when or where they would be when this happened. To my question, my lovely lover, face naked of makeup once more, drew me into a tight embrace and whispered "If I get out of this alive, somehow, then we will run together and make our own life. I regret to admit it, but I've grown to love you unlike anything else...

I want a life with you, an exciting one. We will travel secludedly, potentially continuing this killing life, and fill it with blood, sex, love," his hands slowly reached to my newly inked leg, unwrapped it, and pressed a gentle kiss on to the raw skin "You will be mine forever, until this ink fades, till death parts us, until the reapers claim our souls for hell..."

It could've been a trick, but I would gladly fill my entire life like that if it meant an eternity in hell as Beyond Lords.

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