chapter 3: our guardian devil part 1

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Bendy saw as the cups headed to a small boat on the side of the island.

"WELCOME!! Here is your menu gentlemen." The brothers had noticed a four foot tall frog with a vest on handing them menus that had a big boat on the front and big words spelling out 'Leaping Hollow'

"Leaping Hollow?" Both of the cup brothers were confused. As they followed the frog in the vest he showed them to their seats which was right in front of a stage where there was a row of girl flies in red dresses dancing on stage. The music was coming from another fly but this time a guy playing the piano.

"Where are we?" Mugman tried to say it as loud as he could to reach Cuphead since the music was so loud.

"I think this is a restaurant" Cuphead said the obvious and Mugman gave him a stare.

"Well of course this is a restaurant Cup, but are you sure our next battle will be here?" He questioned his brother, but instead of listening Cuphead saw ahead as two frogs got out greeting everyone. They both had red matching boxing gloves and all the fly ladies were going crazy. As Mugman turned the frog grabbed him by his holder and picked him up to his back.

"I've never seen you around here before, are you and that red cup new members?" The frog asked while looking at Cuphead. Cuphead quickly got up and as he was about to shoot the other frog came from behind him carrying him on his back as well.

"A-ah get me down!" He said very while trying to jump off but the other frog grabbed onto his legs.

"What a feisty one you are, little cup" Said the other frog as he laughed then put him down on his seat.

"Thanks." he said as he got up from his seat seeing as his brother Mugs was still up.

"Set my brother down as well if you wouldn't mind." He got up reaching up to Mugs to catch him as the frog tossed Mugs to him.

"Ah- thanks bro" he thanked the cup as he set him down from his arms.

"My name is Croaks and this is my brother Ribby" said the brown frog with a white underside. He was taller than his brother which was almost as short as the cup brothers.

"Why are you so short?" Cuphead asked while measuring Ribby and him with a ruler that he got out of nowhere.

"You are about 390 pixels tall, I'm about 108" Cuphead said and turned to Ribby and saw flames in his eyes.

"Croak let's get in position." Both the cup brothers knew what was about to happen and they made their hands into a gun shape getting ready to fire.

"Let's show these guys what the two frog brothers can do!" Ribby said as he started firing blue boxing gloves targeted at both the cup brothers while croaks shot flies up to the ceiling attacking the cup brothers. While the cup brothers fought both the brother frogs, bendy came in trying to spot them and it was easy since they were the center of attention in the restaurant. As he tried to get in he was stopped by a caterer asking him if he wanted a table of one or already had someone reserve him a seat. He told the caterer he wanted a table of one and followed him to his table. Luckily he got one that was just close to the fight, he saw that two frogs were beating up the brothers.

"Of Course this is the first time they have ever fought two on two" bendy reassured himself. He wanted to jump in and help the brothers risking him getting caught he stopped for a moment and saw as the brothers were having no chance of beating them with those bruises they had. A bit later into the fight the brothers seemed both physically and mentally exhausted, they were starting to get hits off on the Toads before they merged into a slot machine? They were clueless on how to defeat them.

"I could throw something on the lever to help clue in on how to parry" bendy thought to himself. Doing as he thought he grabbed a glass a threw it perfectly on the lever while the brothers watched it hit it's target. It hit perfectly on the lever and the glass shattered into pieces while the slot machine spined.

"So that's how that works, but where did-" Cuphead thought to himself but was interrupted by the slot machine stopping on three tiger heads perfectly aligned.

"Oh great they got the worst one" Bendy thought to himself as he saw both brothers struggling to jump across the orange spikey shaped cylinders spitting out matching color balls. The brothers barely managed to get out of it with their bodies still intact. The lever in the slot machine had gone back up glowing its pink iridescent color ready to be parried once more. This time the brothers both knew how it worked and Mugman parried it before moving back next to his brother ready for anything. The machine had been spinning for quite a while and when it finally came time there were three frog faces aligned just like the previous but there was something different: the cylinders had a green color and were not open from the top but sealed up. "Wha-" before Cuphead could ask himself he saw mugman bouncing on them carelessly but still being careful to not get poked. Cuphead matched his brothers energy.

The slot machine saw their cherry shelves and stopped producing the cylinders and went back to getting ready to get parried and was so upset he started throwing coins at the brothers but missed nevertheless. The brothers parried one last time and got ready for a different challenge to come loose but sadly they saw three familiar faces. It was the tiger heads again! There was a good side to this they thought since they had already dealt with it they knew the mechanics. They got ready to put their full attention onto the crazy flying balls and the spikey cylinders as they started spewing out. They successfully managed to get across the obstacle in mere seconds making the slot machine angrier than before. Because of this both the frogs that were in there decided to try something new and went against their usual mechanics. Not needing a parry, they started launching all of the cylinders of different colors out to the brothers. Bendy saw how there was no chance for the brothers and without thinking he grabbed a nearby hoodie from a table and went in front of the brothers launching his ink at the slot machine making it get stuck in the gooeyness as well as the cylinders. With it all being kept frozen the slot machine started making smoke and an explosion happen. Cuphead arose from the ground and saw everyone on the floor afraid and covering themselves next to him his brother mugs was holding up the 'Ribby and Croaks' contract

"Both their souls are in her cups," Mugman said, trying to get up. Cuphead nodded and looked in front of him as an unconscious Bendy was laying, but the hoodie from earlier hiding his identity. They both looked at each other nodding before going to the unconscious stranger.


A/n thank you all for reading this, really I mean it. It means a lot to me that you enjoy and interact with this book so I would like to thank you all for the support! Bye now, and stay tuned...

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