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Look I am going to tell you everything, it's about time, I have been fighting these demons and organisations for years. So much so I had to fall off the face of the earth to get some separation from it. Spoke a rather mature teen who looked worst for ware as she swivelled in the chair visibly in pain. As she now sat in the middle of a small Diner in L.A. looking directly at a stern faced African American female, who raised an eyebrow for her to continue.

It all began when my youngest brother turned five, Well truthfully it all began years early for myself. But by the time Fabian was five I was around eight. My father wasn't the kindest of human beings you could ever meet. He worked away from home most of my childhood,only stopping by for a month to a week at a time. But when he was home the man was always out drinking and coming home very late at night. My mother on the other hand was very present in my life, my mother had always been kind towards me. Even though she was a tough cookie, she had a soft centre. I guess she is a little like myself in that sense.

One day around the age of eight, out of nowhere my three brothers, Rowen, Jett and Fabian, and I were told to pack a suitcase of essential items. All six of us then drove hours from our comfortable UK town house home, to the airport where we got on a flight. My self and the boys were kept in the dark about our destination at first, we were young, naive and wide eyed to the world. But somehow hours later we landed in Kansas and all started a new life. But within all this we had fear in our minds, what i neglected to tell you is the times our father was home, he spent the time with us very unconventional.

For instance one day, my father turned up at school as he would do erratically from time to time and took my brothers and me out once again; by now, we had learnt not to question him above all lessons. Twenty minutes out of London we arrived. We got out to an empty and deserted field, which was one of my father's friend's land. He had agreed for my father to use it for the time. The wind blew freely through the land and the scent of freshly cut summer grass filled my nose. I then could hear all the birds in the trees peacefully chirping and the cornish hedges that defined the boundaries of each section of farmland looking so unkempt but in its own way beautiful. It was a day I would never forget in my life; the things we did that day will be engraved in my brain for the rest of my life. I described as I cleared my throat a little, fidgeting in my seat a little more, taking note of the gentle rain outside.

Macey, are you sure you want to hear what happened... are you really prepared for all of this? If you're not, I suggest you turn back now. Place your drink on the table, walk away, give the case to someone else, leave this case alone and walk it in the street never turning back for all I care. Because the things I am about to disclose to you, are beyond harsh and cruel. I am waiting for you to decide. (Macey never even flinched)....decided? Good ok, well, remember I have given you the chance to turn back from this moment on all cards are on the table.

As we stepped foot in the farmer's field, in the middle of my father held out four different but specific weapons. He carried a plethora of weapons, from guns to knives. He handed each of us handguns.

In the moments after, we were given the assignment. To kill any wild animal that came over that fence. At this point, I was seven, and none of us had ever seen a weapon, let alone shot one. That day was a harsh lesson. I didn't want to kill an innocent animal, and I definitely knew my view on weaponry, even though I was young. Nevertheless, we sat out in the heat of summer, shooting and killing anything that moved. Every hour on the hour, we would swap weapons, and sometimes when there wasn't enough action, our father would put up bull's eyes for us to attempt to hit. After a while it became protocol in the home.

This continued until I left for College a few years earlier than I should have, but I decided it was my only ticket out of the house. By now thanks to an acting program at my school I finished high school at the age of sixteen and went to college for a year and a half. Which didn't go well as I was a kid with a lot of emotional baggage, and the ability to kill. I then quit College and became a Ghost, something I was taught by my father's friend Fintan. I bounced from job to job for a while. Working all around the country as a waitress and occasionally had the stunt double job in Canada. But I finally found myself settling down two years ago. 

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