Boy or girl?

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I was at peace, all because of her.

Amelia's POV:

     5 1/2 weeks. Only like 35 more weeks to go. When we told everyone how many weeks we were everyone was excited, well except for Antonio. He stormed out of the house. Maybe he is just jealous, which he shouldn't be cause if he wants a kid that badly all he has to do is adopt or find someone and talk about kids with them. Or maybe he is still sensitive about Luna passing. I mean I would be to. I would love to help him with that, but at the same time he doesn't seem bothered by it, well not as much as Rosalie.


Damon and I were on our way back home while everyone including Johnny stayed back in Italy, I trust them with Johnny, and if I want him back home I will do as I please. Damon keeps on insisting that I go rest in the back while he does some work even though I'm not tired. So I keep on bothering, and I'm also horny, and I'm pretty sure he is to cause he is always horny.

"Let's just rest in the back, just me and you." I suggested.

"No, not now kitten." He sighed.

"I want to, but I have to sign all of this shit." He groaned.

I nodded and put my hand on his thigh, slowly moving it to his member. I slowly palmed it and lightly touching it through this work jeans. Damon trying to hide the obvious bulge in his pants. I smirked. I got up and walked into the back room.

Not even 30 seconds Damon came rushing in while unbuttoning his shirt.

He growled and pushed me on the bed.

"I like this side of Damon." I smirked.

He grinned and started kissing my neck.

Oh boy, this is going to be a fun ride.


(16 weeks later)

Tomorrow we were finding the gender of our little bean, and Damon still thinks it's a girl, and we haven't even thought of names, which we obviously should, but we just haven't had the time.

We were on the jet to Italy, and I get to also see Johnny today cause he wanted to stay in Italy and god have I missed him. For like 3 weeks straight I was crying non-stop about leaving him there, Damon comforted me, or we'll atleast tried to and the guards would just watch, well they did until Damon snapped at them well (threatened to kill them) then they would all try to comfort me, I got to give Damon props, he isn't really that kind of person. But he is still trying and I really appreciate him for that.

"Damon?" I called out. I knew he was working but I think we need to discuss names.

"Yes kitten?" Damon said is a worried tone.

I patted the spot next to me on the bed and Damon quickly laid down pulling me to where I was laying on his chest.

"The baby." I whispered.

He put his hand on my stomach and slowed rubbed it. Letting a sigh come out of me.

"That feels nice." I mumbled while closing my eyes.

He lightly chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "I know kitten."

I was about to fall asleep. "I was thinking." Damon said interrupting my attempted sleep.

"We need names for her."

"We don't know if it's a girl yet." I said getting up and straddling him and putting on a pouty face.

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