What happened

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"Who's car is that?" He said trying to get a better look. "Damon, he offered to give us a ride, now come on. I don't need to have him waiting forever." I said while opening the doors to the back seat. "I think I will sit up front, you can sit next to Johnny Amelia." Christian said glaring at Damon. "O-oh um, ok, come on Johnny." I said while picking Johnny up and putting him in his seat. I finally buckled myself in the seat and looked at Damon, then to Christian, they were giving each other the death stare. There was a lot of tension between those two. Well this will be a interesting car ride.


    It was dead silence when Damon started the engine, Christian still giving him the death stare, Damon keeping his eyes on the road, gripping the wheel till his knuckles turned white. "Uh how w-was Johnny? He wasn't too much of a trouble was he?" Right as I spoke the tension in the car went down, Damon's grip on the wheel loosened and Christian stopped staring at Damon and turned to look at Johnny and I. "Not at all, we just played games, we actually got zero sleep." I giggled. "So why are you, and Damon back from camp? So early?" Christian said, almost excited to here what one of us was going to say. "Like I said, I got really sick, Damon offered to take me home-" then I was cut off. "So that's why your wearing Damon's clothes?" "No it's not Christian it's-" then Damon cut me off. "It's none of your god damn business." He said while giving Christian a stare that says 'if you ask any more questions I won't hesitate to hurt you' "I am just wondering why she is wearing your clothes. I know they aren't hers, they aren't Gisele's-" shit! I forgot about Gisele. She is going to hate me.

"Let's not talk about Gisele." I said.

"Why? What did she do?" I looked up at Christian and he looked more than worried, like petrified for me, then I turned to look at Damon, and he was just looking back me, he looked so perfect, I gave Damon  a light smile and turned back to Christian. "Amelia doesn't want to talk about it." Damon said while looking at Christian and I. "Well we're here." Damon said while slowing the car down and parking. "Christian can you take Johnny inside please?"

"Yeah, come on buddy." Christian said while getting his bag. Once Christian and Johnny left the car Damon broke the silence. "C'mere." He said motioning with his pointer finger. I crawled to the passenger seat like a little kitten and then sat down, Damon grabbed my waist effortlessly and pulled me onto his lap, and just hugged me. I of course hugged him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my head into his chest only for me to feel the vibrations of him making a slight chuckle. "I'll give you your clothes tomorrow, thank yo-" Damon's hand cupped my jaw to make me look at him and leaned closer to me. "Keep them." Was all he said. "But they are so big!" I pouted. "Is kitten giving me attitude?" He said while his hands were now going up and down my sides. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and nodded my head 'no' "I think you are." Damon whispered. He moved my body to were I was straddling his lap, earning a low groan from him, feeling the big bulge in his jeans, all I could do was smile and giggle a little . "The things you do to me." He chuckled. "Oh yeah? What are those things." I said while my finger tips were running up and down his chest. "I'll show you." My face lit up. Is he talking about, you know. The......... dirty?? "When it's the right time of course." I looked at him and smiled. "Amelia." What? No! What happened to kitten, it seems that when I get in trouble he call me Amelia, am I in trouble? "Y-yes?" I said looking back down to his lap. "Look at me." I obeyed. "Are you scared?"

I nodded. "No" then gave him a weak smile.

"I know you are." We both sighed. "Don't be scared, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." He said while his hands were now cupping my cheeks. Please kiss me Damon

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