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Listen to this song real quick, and whenever someone calls you a sl*t just tell them thank you😂


    Everyone's walking to the mall together and your walking along side Bakugou. "Zaddyyy~"
         you say as you do a Debby Ryan. "Ew fuck off ugly ass peice of shit." He says pushing you a little bit.
         You put your hand on your chest and gasp acting offended. "Woah Bakuwhore I'm super offended right now."
          "Good." He says with a scoff. "Fine you baka." You say as you cross your shoulders. He sighs.
       "Honeslty just shut the fuck up already slut. Bad enough I have to walk with your sorry ass."
          "Aww thank you bakuhoe for the compliment." You say with a huge smile. "Wha- what why are you smiling I literally just called you a slut!?"
             He says giving a concerned look. "S.l.u.t. sweet little unforgettable thing. See! Thanks for the compliment!" (See what I did there? Listen to the song.😎) he scoffs.
            "I didn't mean it in the nice way you damn extra!" He says in an angry tone. "Oh bakugou shut the fuck up already I will always think of that as the meaning of slut."
          He scoffs and stops talking. When you all get to the mall you all walk in and go to the middle.
         "Okay guys! Everyone split up and go with their personal body guard. Well meet in the mood court in like 2 hours!" Mima says.
      You all agree, you grab Bakugous arm and start pulling him with you. "HEY! WHERE ARE WE GOING!?" He says yelling.
          "Shush shush. I need to buy new underwear and bras you can deal." He face goes red. "WHAT NO WAY IN HELL!" He screams even louder. "Deal. With. It."
         You say as you wack him upside the head. "YOU WANNA GO YOU BITCH!?" You sigh.
       You kick him hard in the shin and start pulling him towards Victoria's secret.
     As your walking he's screaming threats and profanities while everyone's looking at him and then to you giving you the
            "how do you deal with this?" Type of look. Eventually you get to the store. You have to literaly DRAG the bitch into the store cause he would not go willingly.
         One you finally got him in. His face turns into a beat red. He covers his eyes. You laugh. "Bakugou your fine.
         I'll get done quick. I just have to have them measure real quick." His face turns into a deeper shade of red.
           You go and find one of the workers to have them measure. They come over back to you and bakugou and the women grabs a tape measure and starts doing that.
          Bakugou watches with a huge blush on his face. "Gurl do you know your a (your bra size)!! Okay now moving on! We have a ton of bras here! Even some that could definitely please your boyfriend right here! How ab-" Someone interrupts her.
          "SHES NOT MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!! SHE DRAGGED ME HERE!!" Bakugou says screaming loudly.
        You nervously laugh. "Yeahhh.. me and my friends were being harassed so now we each have our own body guards" You say to the lady. "Oh how sweet of you!"
        She says facing bakugou. He scoffs. "Anyways! So what kind of bras would you want?" The lady asks. You look at her.
       "O-oh no i got it from here I just needed to know my size! Thanks though I'll get you if I need help!" "Okay!!" She says walking away.
             You start walking towards the bra section bakugou following along. You look at the simple push up bras. You find a couple in your size and grab them.
           Next you go over to the laced ones and grab one or two. Afterwards you walk towards the underwear section.
              You grab a couple laced ones that would go with the bras. Then grab a couple of simple ones. "Okay let's go!" You tell Bakugou.
      "Fucking finally!" You laugh as Bakugou starts walking at a fast pace doing his signature walk to the counter.
            You eventually get to the counter and pay for the undergarments. The lady working at the counter starts talking. "Oh you guys look like such a good couple!"
          She says with a smile. You read the name tag. "Rose" "o-oh um no rose I'm guessing by your name tag. But were not together I found him in a box and decided to help him!"
         You say with a laugh. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" Bakugou yells. You giggle. "Anyway Chile soooo~" You look back at Rose. She hands you her bag.
          "Thank you love have a nice day!" You say to her. "You too!" She says as you both walk out.
         As you both exit the store Bakugou takes a huge break as if the air was any different in there. "Bakugou your over reacting." You say with a sigh.
          "No you damn extra I'm not! That was torture." You laugh a little. "Come on let's go." You saying pulling him towards a clothing store.

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