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Hey guys this is my first time writing on wattpad. I have always been a silent reader and decided that it would be cool to share my poems with everyone that I have worked on. These are all poems that I love and hold close to me. Some are short and others are longer but they all are from hidden places. Not just hidden places in me though but maybe hidden places in you. All the things a lot of you guys don't want to say or have trouble putting into words I have gathered and written into poems. I would like to update every couple days considering im always writing poems but Please don't copy any of my poems. I hope you guys enjoy my first writing piece on wattpad!!
And feel free to make covers.

A puppeteer I am

with tricks and strings

and hidden things

controlling and moving

my body about

when my mind decides to walk out

maneuvering my threads

and moving my strings

to the beat of other living things

as I sit in the corner of my own mind

watching as everyday ticks by

twirling my threads

to bottle my feelings

to try and make them not so feely

numbing my mind with new puppet games

that seem to keep me hidden a few more days

using a string to tie my lips shut

built from all my lies to keep things bottled up

I am a puppeteer

with tricks and strings

and hidden things

I hide In the dark corners of my mind

because that's where puppeteers like to hide

Don't forget to vote and comment I would love your feedback

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