Living With 5sos // Who Is She? // Chapter 2

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Ella : Who is she? Luke : * is still hugging Ella * Michael's girlfriend, her name is April. April : Hi! Ella : Hi its nice to meet you. April : You too! Calum : Soooo.... what guy do you like in the band...? Ashton : * looks at Calum like he's crazy * Calum : * laughs  * Oh, sorry. Ella : Well......... I like all you of you guys but I like... * points to Luke while they are still hugging eachother * April : * laughs * Aweeeeee. Calum : * laughs and mouths * I think he likes you too. Ella : * blushes, eyes water, then clears throat , and mouths * I'm okayyyyyy. Ella : I don't have a house....... Luke : You can live here. Ella : I  just met you guys, are you sure...? Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton : * nods head * Ella : Are you frikin serious?! Luke : Yup. April : Horror movie? Luke : PIZZAAAAAAA. Ella : YASSSSSSS. I love pizza. Luke : * smiles * Me too.  Ella : * giggles * I know. * walks inside * Everybody Else : * walks inside * Ella : * grabs a slice of pizza * Thank you guys, really. Luke : No problem! * grabs three slices of pizza * Michael : * grabs the whole pizza box and licks lips * Luke : Michael, you're gonna be sick. Michael : We still have another box! * walks into living room while holding pizza box * Ella : * laughs and goes into living room and sits down * Luke : * sits beside Ella * Calum : * sits down * Michael : * sits down while eating a bunch of pizza * Ashton : * laughs and sits down * April : * puts DVD in * Everyone : * watches the movie * Ella : * screams * Luke : * smiles and hugs Ella * Ella : * looks up at Luke then smiles * - movie is over - April : * takes disk out and puts back in case * How about truth or dare? Everyone : * nods head in agreement, and sits in a circle. * Luke : * sits beside Ella * Michael : Okay......... Ella, truth or dare? Ella : Dare. Michael : * smirks * Okay.... I dare you and Luke to go in the closet....... and kiss.... on the lips. Ella : * eyes widen * Luke : * bites lip ring * Sure. Luke : * opens closet door and goes in * You coming...? Ella : Y - Yes. * walks into closet * Luke : * closes door * Don't be afraid. Ella : Have you done this before...? Luke : What kiss a girl..? My mom....... but no. Ella : * laughs * Okay. Luke : * runs hands through Ella's hair, then kisses her romantically. * Ella : * kisses back * Luke : I know...... we just met. But ever since you stepped foot onto my porch I liked you. Ella : * blushes * I've always liked you. Luke : * smiles * You're not just a fan to me anymore. Luke : * kisses Ella for a long time * Ella : * kisses back * 

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