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{.50. Boxing Day}

The next morning ally skipped down the stairs excitedly to see everyone, she felt happy to spend Boxing Day morning with her family, but it was soon met with disappointment when she had realise that she was the first one up

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The next morning ally skipped down the stairs excitedly to see everyone, she felt happy to spend Boxing Day morning with her family, but it was soon met with disappointment when she had realise that she was the first one up. She frowned and made herself a cup of tea before heading into the living room where she saw that her dad was still asleep.

"Dad you've not been down here all night, it'll play havoc with your back. Come on wake up,"

She chuckled and went to shake him when he didn't respond — she thought he must have been in such a deep sleep. However, she noticed that his skin was extremely cold and that in turn caused her to notice that her dad wasn't breathing.

"Daddy?" She whispered as she shook him realising that if he wasn't breathing it meant there was nothing keeping him alive, she tried to start resuscitating him as best as she could.

After a few moments of her not having any luck she ran up to Perseus' room with tears flowing down her cheeks shaking him with as much vigour as possible so that he would wake.

"Bloody hell alcyone wha— are you crying?" He asked

"It's dad, he's downstairs on the sofa and— Perse," she choked on a sob, "Perse hes not breathing," she sobbed

Perseus immediately got out from under the sheets and followed ally with urgency when he realised the seriousness of the situation. When he saw his father he placed his hand on his neck to find a pulse and he stayed silent for a few moments before he frowned in frustration.

"Sweetheart, go wake our brothers for me," Perseus ordered

"No! Tell me that my dad is going to be okay!" She growled

"Alcyone!" Perseus scolded "go and wake our brothers now!" He growled back which made ally realise that he was serious

She ran up the stairs and rammed on Caspian's bedroom door before she ran to Atlas, Oberon and Wolf's room to do the same. She kept running back to bang the doors when there was no answer so they'd wake.

"Bloody hell Cece what on— are you crying?" Wolf asked noticing her appearance as he threw on his dressing gown

"It's dad," she sobbed, wolf wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead

Wolf was always the most attentive brother and he loved being a brother to Cece but he knew that family was everything to her. He ran his hands over her hair and brought them to cup her cheeks.

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