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{.75. Promise this is forever}

Ally and Remus had moved in together

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Ally and Remus had moved in together. She had bought herself a cottage near the Montague mansion and told Remus that he could come and live with her instead of the run down place he was living in now — she didn't word it like that but it was implied that he should live somewhere which had a working roof. It was a big step but they both felt it was right. Especially at their step in their relationship.

Atlas and Toby had just finished helping Ally move the last of her things in and Toby smiled excitedly. He knew that this meant she'd be able to host amazing gatherings and he was just overjoyed that his bestest and longest friend was finally getting everything that she had deserved.

"I can't believe how adorable this is," Toby told her "like you have your own home! What's next? Marriage? Oh I know! A baby?" He teased

"My Cece won't be having a baby for quite some time," atlas scolded wrapping his arms around his sister causing Ally to giggle.

If anything, she wanted Perseus to settle down next and have a baby. She thought he deserved happiness, and so did Oberon and Atlas. She also wanted Reggie and Caspian to get married as soon as Reggie finished school. In all honesty she just wanted all her brothers to be happy and settled before she had the opportunity to even settle in.

It was strange the fact that she had her own house now. She didn't know why she thought it wouldn't be such a big deal. It was terrifying. She was also putting a million protective charms on her house, a million was slightly dramatic but she didn't want any opportunity for anyone that could hurt her to have the opportunity too. She just really didn't want too have her safe space to ever be ruined.

Atlas was to be her secret keeper, he had proven time and time again that he would do absolutely anything to protect Ally and that was the most important thing. She didn't want anyone she didn't want to know finding out where she lived and she was sure that Atlas would ensure her protection.

He'd done it before and he would do it again.

By ensuring he was the secret keeper it also made sure he had a safe space to come to on the full moon, ensuring her family's safety was important to Alcyone.

Christmas was coming up very quickly, Ally had no plans. Wolf had decide to spend time with Graham and Jasmine so he wouldn't be going to Montague Mansion. Perseus had to stay in Hogwarts so if she was honest she was thinking about having Oberon, Atlas and Caspian to come to hers for Christmas dinner along with Sirius and James and Lily. She knew that they were probably doing their own thing but she wanted to give them an opportunity to be surrounded by their family at Christmas.

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