TW: thassaphobia
He woke up in a black abyss, and knew almost instantly that he was ether dead, hallucinating but still alive on the bay, and or dreaming which was the most likely and if he was dreaming he would still be alive. The was only a 1/3 chance that he was dead, and he liked those odds. Then almost out of nowhere, a ball of light appeared that illuminated something. The ball was moving around him, and since he was stuck, he could do shit about it. It felt like there was weight on him.
One hour later
Calvin need to check something, he slowly moved his right hand to his left forearm, but a voice or more accurately a gurgle with a low dark voice almost like the abyss he was in was speaking to him. He frantically looked around forgetting about what he need to check. He noticed scales due to the light, and his eyes haven't adjusted at all for the time he has been in this area, he must be deep then. In a moment, the light revealed what looked like... SKIN?! Calvin's eyes had finally adjusted though it was barely a change, he was able to make out an outline. The outline was no creature he knows or at least read about. Tentacles, jellyfish stingers, lobster claws... GOD WHAT DOES IT NOT HAVE?! And why does it have a human body from the waist up?!
He noticed that it flowed like if it was the sea, and touched the creature very very reluctantly. It felt warm, rough, and... and.... what is the word to describe this? He tried to figure out where the right word as he suddenly saw its eyes. And just as he saw them in a second, and then
Eldritch River
Ficción GeneralThere are four Eldritch beings that created the planet Slovect. Each one making one part of the planet which are water, land, air, and animals. While the animals there are most peculiar, some are very similar to the ones that grew beside humans. Cal...