I Want You, I Need You

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21 days to the wedding

Ashley looked over into the clouds below - he should of been excited to of be heading to Vancouver to work with the legendary Bob Rock. This should of been the best feeling in the world to know that he was going to work with the man who had cultivated legends in the rock genre yet Ashley felt sick. He was half alive as he'd left that half with Scarlett in LA; she was the love of his life and they had never been apart for long. He was gonna miss not waking up with her beside him in bed, giving him good morning kisses, he was gonna miss watching her sleep against his chest, he was gonna miss morning sex, he was gonna miss watching how her eyes lit up when he brought her morning coffee to her. he was going to miss alot of things but in that moment he missed her more than anything.

Then again, it wasn't just them anymore, he had the twins to miss too. They were growing up so fast that he was scared that'd he'd miss something - sure having minimal sleep was a drag but he'd never trade it for the world. Little Acey, such a mummys boy, a carbon copy of himself but he could see so much of Scarlett in him - he was going to be a trouble maker for sure based on how curious he was, always wanting to explore new places of things. Always first to find or do something but seemingly protective of his sister by making sure he did things first. Ash could tell he was gonna be a born performer, the little bass prodigy, and was gonna keep him on his toes. Then there was his baby girl, Little Marilyn, so beautiful and enchanting like her mother -everyone who met her fell in love with the little girl and she had Ashley especially wrapped round her little finger. yes she was deffinately a daddy's girl and that's how Ashley liked it - oh he understood the irony but it was true. She had his personality though, shy and a little timid at first but once she knew who people were she was a little charmer. Ashley loved his children and he loved his fiance too so much which was why being away was so hard, he already felt guilty for being away in the studio for most of the day while Scarlett had put her career on hold to look after the babies.

This was the life he had chosen though. It was his dream.

He had to try and make this work.

Ashley smiled at the memory of how Scarlett had said goodbye to him: slutty Victoria Secret lingerie, handcuffs and some photographs he'd be cherishing in his hotel room.

When he actually got to his hotel room, which he'd be calling home for the next week, it hit him even harder. He was sleeping alone. He lay down on the bed, tired from the flight, looking over to Scarletts side of the bed in despair. He could nearly see her there laying next to him, smiling at him with that smile only she let him see - the smile which lit up his world, her long red hair flowing over the pillow with the scent of strawberries and cream hanging in the air. It made him smile to even see an imaginary Scarlett, he wanted more than anything to reach out to touch her, to hold her close and kiss her lips. This woman had turned a player into a deeply committed lover; she was the one, his only one. Funny how he actually couldn't wait to tie the knot, to wear his wedding ring with pride.

Ashley felt his phone buzz with a Skype message, picking it up he beamed at the image of his missing love on the screen. "Ashley," Scarlett smiles back at him, he could clearly see that she was missing him too.

"Hey Angel," Ashley rolled over onto his stomach, "how are Acey and Mari?"

"Missing their daddy," Scarlett admitted, "they keep looking round for you. Give me a sec." Scarlett disappeared from her laptop screen before reappearing with the twins in her arms. "Who's that?"

Ace and Marilyn grinned as they tried to reach out and touch him through the screen - it completely melted his heart.

"Hi babies," Ashley waved at them trying to to stop himself from crying, "Daddy's missing you. I hope your being good for mummy."

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