If I die tomorrow

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Scarlett sat in the passenger's seat of Ashley’s car, but constantly kept turning around to make sure that the twins were okay. Every time she turned to see them, their blue eyes glistened up at her from inside their pink and blue zebra print blankets and they smiled brightly at her.

"Are they doing okay?" Ashley asked as they neared the house.

"They’re doing great" Scarlett answered as they came to a stop. Scarlett got out first and got the baby carriers from the back. It never failed to amaze her that mothers carry their baby around as though they're a shopping basket with her having one hanging in each arm. She carried them to the house with care, but just before Scarlett managed to get into the house Ashley called her back.

 He had the handheld camera in his hand and Scarlett sighed. “Hey babies welcome to your first home” Ashley grinned as he started recording and Scarlett (somehow) unlocked the door. As soon as Scarlett was in, she was attacked by their friends. They all looked at the baby as though they hadn't just seen her yesterday.

"Welcome to your home, Ace and Marilyn" Jake called from behind everyone.

Scarlett giggled as Andy got Marilyn out of her carrier but kept her still wrapped in her pink zebra blanket and CC did the same with Ace in his blue one before they headed to the living room.

“So your Marilyn” Andy smiled looking down now at the mystery baby they had never gotten the chance to meet “Aren’t you a cutie”

"I still can't believe Scarlett and Ashley managed to make someone as adorable as you" CC cooed. Ashley glared, but videoed the moment between the new-borns and the gothic guys.

“We got you two a baby present” Lauren handed Scarlett a small box with a mischievous grin plastered on her face; practically jumping up and down like a Chihuahua.

Sceptical, Scarlett looked at her, deciding whether she could trust Lauren today, she opened it to find it was a box full of condoms. “Really?”

Scarlett held one up shaking her head after she noticed these were the smallest size available “firstly these may fit CC but not Ashley, not in this lifetime” throwing them back at Lauren with a smirk on her face.

“hey” CC objected to her comment “But I guess it’s too late for you two though” he muttered; Scarlett pretended not to hear it.

Scarlett couldn't stop grinning as she watched everyone stare at the twins in awe. When Scarlett turned to see Ashley, he had discarded the camera and was happy with having this moment recorded in his memory. Scarlett sat down on the chair next to the television as Andy and CC continued to have a one-way conversation with the babies.

"Are you and Ashley going to have another baby?" Ella asked. Scarlett looked at her wide-eyed. Was she being serious or just having a laugh with her, but she looked like she was awaiting a truthful response.

"Bloody hell, Ella we've only just had the twins" Scarlett answered, Ashley nodded in agreement as Andy and CC handed them the babies back as soon as they bursted into tears in the guy's arms.

"I think they might need a feed" Jake guessed as he looked at the crying twins. Scarlett patted Marilyns back gently as she looked round the room to see uncomfortable faces. It was only Ashley who shared her confusion as he did the same actions with Ace.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Scarlett asked, but they all looked as though this conversation was too awkward to even talk about. Scarlett glared hard until they finally plucked up the courage to tell them what was wrong.

"The way babies feed isn't something you should do in front of your friends" CC answered as he looked at his shoes, moving them from side to side, anything to avoid my eyes. Sighing, Scarlett rolled her eyes at them.

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