A Purdy Plan

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Kina was waiting in a booth when Scarlett walked into the diner they had agreed to meet in, pushing the twins pram infront of her. They had decided to meet on neutral ground where they could talk and have lunch; trying to put their fighting behind them.

"sorry" Scarlett apologized as she walked over to the booth "I couldn't leave them" leaving the pram to the side of the booth, right next to her seat with her sleeping babies slumbering inside.

"it's fine" kina smiled sympathetically at Scarlett, sitting down opposite to her at the table "I kinda hoped you'd bring them, they're so cute"

"thank you" Scarlett smiled back at her as she moves more of aces blue zebra blanket onto him, even in LA weather she was afraid of them getting cold,  before giving her full attention to kina "have your ordered anything?"

"no I just got here a few minutes ago myself" kina admitted, fumbling with the unopened menu in her hand "I haven't even looked at the menu yet"

"well I'm starving" scarlett giggled picking her menu up without a second thought

kina picked hers up too "I don't blame you, I'm hungry too" she looked round the diner "where do you think the waiters are?"

Scarlett frowned and looked round too to see that there were no waiters around to take their order "no idea"

unknown to them was that in the kitchen the waiters were fighting among themselves - battling it out to see who would go serve the 2 hot girls - this had to be a 1 in a million occurance for them.

"how are you then?" kina asked trying to break the silence

"good" scarlet nodded taking her sunglasses off "tired but good"

"ohnh" kina could see the tiredness in her eyes now that Scarlett had taken the glasses off "kept you up all night?"

"yeah" despite how tired she looked Scarlett still managed to smile "in fact ashy was just telling me this morning in bed that..." Scarlett realised half way through her sentence that its was kina she was talking to and not Sammi or Ella or any of her other girl friends

"its fine" kina smiled weakly "really its fine, you and Ashley are a cute couple with kids and I have no intention on hurting any of you anymore" she sighed "I guess I didn't want Ashley I just wanted a guy and when I couldn't get one I wanted to go back to one of my exes"

"kina you'll find someone" Scarlett smiled sympathetically "you just have to start looking" Scarlett looked over kinas shoulder to the diner bar "in fact" she smiled "my guy senses maybe rusty but there's a guy who's just your type at the bar" kina gave her a look "ashleys still the god I pray to on my knees if you know what I mean but I can still spot cute guys"

Kina smiled, satisfied at her answer, and scooted over to scarletts side of the booth to get a clear view of the guy Scarlett had spotted "oh he is cute" looking at a guy with longish dirty blonde hair

"go talk to him" Scarlett urged kina "he could be your new guy"

Kina looked at her in semi shock "I can't go talk to him, there's rules and that"

Scarlett rolled her eyes "so we can vote and run for office but we still can't make the first move?"

"excuse me" seemed like one of the waiters had fought off the others and won "I'm martin and I'll be your server" he tried to hide his panting as he got his pen and notebook out "what would you ladies like to order?"

"umm" kina glanced at the menu "I'll have a vegetarian burger,  no pickle, and a diet coke"

The guy scribbled down kinas order and turned to Scarlett with hopeful eyes (looks like she had an admirer) "and you?"

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