The Beginning.

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The sun peaked through the opened curtains. Shining onto Keith's face, causing a groan to come from him. "it's so early.." Keith had mumbled softly. Everyone had been on earth for a year now. The war was over. "Time to go teach." Keith thought to himself, he got up, dressed and went to his class. "Now today young cadets. We have a special guest." Keith had said, we was teaching a class who'd only been here a week. "Admiral Takashi Shirogane, and the captain of the Atlas." Shiro waved at the class, they all gasped, some girls in the back begun to fangirl at Shiro. "Hello there cadets. Today i will have you all be tested flying some of our newest ships!" Shiro announced. Keith smiled and left. He walked up to his lion, the black lion. A sudden shock came over him and he fell to his knees, screaming in pain. The black lion begun to glow purple, same with Keith. "AHHHH!!!" Keith screamed as everything went black.

"W-were am i?" Keith asked. He slowly stood up. "Pidge? Lance? Hunk? Allura? Shiro?" He looked around. "I'm in Black's mind.." He walked around, before falling to his knees in pain. "GAHHHH!!!!" He screamed as tears ran down his face, watching.. A memory? No.. It's the future. His future. "Come on now babe, you can do it!" Shiro had said in the future fragment. Keith looked at it, examining it. He noticed two wedding rings, as he noticed the rings, the pair shared a loving kiss. He gasp in surprise, watching it. He was then shot back into the present. "Woah.. What the hell" He groaned and gasped, he stood from his knees, turning to be met with the paladins and Shiro. "Keith are you okay?!" Shiro asked as he held him. Keith got up and ran to his room, he'd sat there, looking at his hands. "I marry Shiro? Is this real.." Keith thought to himself, he let tears flow down his cheeks. "I'm not enough for him.. I know i never will be.. This has to be false.."

'Do i actually marry the man i've loved for so long?

That is all for the first chapter, i know it's short, but i have more ideas to come. xoxo, Star <3

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