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Me, Jensen, Pooch, Cougar, and Roque stood outside hiding near some tall bushes in the direct hot rays of the sun waiting for our signal which was Clay. "Look I'm sorry I just can't give you that kind of information." Jensen said while holding a Godzilla figure and a dog figure he made by himself. "I'll do anything else. I just can't do that." he said. "I can't betray my country. I won't. This country gave me everything." he said. "Oh, god. Just keep him away from me. Please. Don't let him near me." He said in a worried tone. "Oh, no. Oh, god!" he said again worriedly. "Come on, baby. Just relax into it. Let Godzilla do his thing." he said in a low-toned way and began to hump the dog figure with Godzilla letting out grunts each time Godzilla would "thrust" into the dog figure. 

"Okay, Okay, come on. This is wrong on so many levels. You in or not?" Pooch said while scratching his back with a long thick stick. "And get cheated again?" Jensen said while holding his handmade toys. "What? No. The Pooch may lie, The Pooch may steal, The Pooch may--" Pooch said while he got cut off by Jensen. "Refer to himself in the third person?" Jensen said while looking at Pooch. "Occasionally. But the Pooch will not cheat." Pooch said while swinging the stick around.  

"Well, The Pooch can relax. I was worried about Cougar." Jensen said and turned to look at Cougar cleaning his gun. "Yeah, right. It's always the quiet ones." Pooch said and Cougar chuckled at the comment. "What? It's Blind Mans Bluff. High card wins. How in the hell can a man cheat you?" Roque said while standing next to the river that flowed behind us. "Here we go again." I said quietly while rolling my eyes. 

Roque slapped the deck of cards on the small table. "Cards." Pooch said and then everyone grabbed a card but didn't look at it. "I feel like I got something here. I feel like I got something." Pooch said while holding his card. "Queen, King, Jack. Queen, King, Jack. Alright." Jensen said while rubbing his card. "One, Two, Three, Go." Jensen said and we stuck the cards on our heads. We all looked around at each other's cards. "I got a great, feeling about this one." Roque said while fixing the card onto his green bucket hat. 

"Your mama had a great feeling last night." Jensen said I only giggled while the others laughed. "Oh, that was a mama joke." Pooch said while handshaking Jensen. Roque looked at Jensen and pulled out a knife and set it on the small table. "Alright... I will raise you." Jensen said and put in his gun and everybody whislted. "You don't wanna do that." Roque said while nodding his head. "Oh, no?" Jensen said. "Got this piece of that Honduran General." Pooch said while loading his gun and setting it down on the table. 

"Yes?'' Jensen said. "Guess what? I'm definitely in." Pooch said and everyone oood at him. "Let's go.'' Jensen said. "Alright." Roque said and turned around and pulled out another knife I just watched in disbelief."Whoa!" Jensen said and then laughed I enjoyed it when he laughed it always made me smile in a way. "Should even me up." Roque said and kissed his knife and then set it on the small table. "How many knives do you have?'' Jensen asked while trying to look where Roque was hiding so many knives. 

 "What about you Y/L/N" Pooch said while looking at me. I smirked. "Alright." I said and put in the gun that Jensen gave me on my birthday about 7 months ago. "Hey! Wait, wait, wait, what no-no that!" Jensen said and put his hand out to take the gun. "Jensen leaves it it's fine! Trust me." I told him and looked him in the eyes and gave him the look I gave him to trust me. "Cougs, It's your bet." Pooch said. 

"HEY LOSERS!" a familiar voice we all turned to look up and saw Clay the leader of The Losers. "It's time!" He said and nodded. 

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