X. Everything Hurts

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Monica Fausta

My eyes slowly opened, but it took quite some time for me to fully regain my vision. I feel so dizzy as if everything is spinning around me when obviously it isn't. Dusty, full of cobwebs ceiling welcomed me. And what is that strong scent? The smell of alcohol and rotten orange quickly filled my nostrils.

Wait a minute... I've survived? I've actually lived despite that rampage. I guess the cruel world isn't done with me yet. I wonder what hell is in store for me still.

Something creaked that cut me from my thoughts, making my eyes turn to the side only for me to see a worried Rome with basin and towel on his grasp. I chew unto the inside of my cheek as I try to move.

Wrong idea.

Moving a muscle made a crippling pain flow right throughout my whole body. If I won't be able to move for the rest of my life then this is worst than dying. I want to get out of this place, but I seem to be back from where I started. What is going on? I didn't let those baby wolves bite me to death just to go back to square one. I want to cry from frustration.

"Monica, you're finally awake. I'm so glad master saved you in time!" He exclaimed, walking fast towards me with a sad smile plastered upon his face. "Please don't leave the bed. You're still hurt. I will tend to your every need."

I couldn't find my voice as if it is trapped within my throat. I wanted out of here, but here I am despite my greatest efforts. I really am a failure. "No..." I said desperately. I need to get out of here before Louis comes. Where am I even? I was guessing the manor, but this is definitely not my assigned room.

Rome couldn't understand, but I was desperate to flee. Although it hurts me to move, I still decided to do my best and try to sit up. I still got a chance. I've lived through the crazy attack, what else should I fear?

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Monica, please do not move. I still have to clean up your wounds." Rome whined as he tries to keep me still. But when I finally manage to move a limb, it only takes a matter of seconds to have myself endure the pain of moving my body.

I looked intently into Rome's eyes. I stumbled back a little, but his keen senses immediately acted upon, catching me in time even if I will fall over into the bed anyway. "I... just let me go, Rome. I do not need to be here. Please. I want to lea-" I was begging desperately when the door yet again swung open.

"Leave again? Aren't you a very adventurous wife?" I saw Louis with his uninterested look before dropping my things to the side. All were dirty, but he managed to get both my bag and the small crate-like box.

"Ooooh, master. You managed to retrieve Monica's belongings." Rome spoke after a minute of silence enveloping us.

Louis sighs. "Who in their right mind would open up a nice smelling food in the middle of the hungry wildlife?" He commented. In my defense, though, I have no idea that eating would lead me to such danger, but I guess he does have a point.

"Please stop calling me your wife." I could barely even whisper. "That's an old joke already." I said bitterly. Everything I did was all for nothing. I'm back within his presence yet again. Looking down, I slowly let myself lay. I am getting tired of fighting.

I was guessing that Rome was here to clean my wounds with that clean towel and warm water when Louis kicked him out of the room. He looked a little bit worried, but he had no choice but to go. I guess I'll never hear the end of this. I won't be surprised even if those baby wolves are one of Louis' minions. He might've done this to prove a point. He honestly did, but that's not a reason to stop me. It all makes more sense for me to leave this place.

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