31: Clint

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We have made it. After almost two years...this is the last chapter besides the Epilogue. This has both a shocking twist and a surprise so I hope you enjoy it.

I was nervous to say the least and for good reason since Barney had only turned good less than an hour ago. He kept assuring the lot of us that he was on our side but the whole thing still made me nervous. Sure I trusted him but it was Logan that I was worried about. It took her months to tell me about her real job and she was in love with me, I had no idea how long it was gonna take her to trust Barney. Especially after everything he had done to both me and her. The guy wasn't the nicest person on the planet and now I expected Logan to treat him like he was. It was a huge ask and I had to hope that it wouldn't bite me in the ass in the long run.

At least our plan was relatively simple and Barney tied our hands up before dragging back over to the machine room. He stuffed Kate and I at the back of room and waited in a side hallway with Logan. Whitney wanted the whole thing to be over the top so a dramatic reveal was key. I groaned at the fact and watched as a dozen or so rich people filed into back room. They had no idea what was actually going, no idea that their apparent answer to eternal life was nothing but a get-rich-quick scheme. I rolled my eyes and was about to mock them when I noticed that Kate's face had gone pale. I followed her line of sight to find a man dressed in a pressed back suit, glaring at the other people in the room. I had no idea who he was but it was blatantly clear that Kate did.

"Who is that?" I asked and she gulped before turning to me. 

"My father," she muttered and I cursed, knowing that wasn't good as the man in question wandered over.

Kate had in fact mentioned that her dad was at the auction but I frankly didn't expect to run into the guy. Her father, illustrious businessman and tech mogul, Derek Bishop, would definitely find it suspicious that his daughter was there. And he did...annoyingly.

"Katharine?" Derek inquired and stopped about a foot from Kate in order to make sure it was her.

Kate turned and Derek's eyes widened before he made his was over, eyeing his daughter as he went. I glared at the man, already not liking his slicked back hair and the stupid look on his face. 

"Hi dad," Kate muttered as he father continued to stare at her in shock.

"Kate...I don't understand. Why are you here? How are you here?"

"I'm here to stop Whitney Frost," Kate deadpanned and her dad glanced over at the woman in question. 

"Why? She's a lovely woman who has found the key to never aging. What's not to love?"

"She's actually a maniac who's hellbent on cloning you and stealing your money. You have to leave dad, before this whole thing starts," Kate pleased and her dad raised a brow.

His face was quick to morph into a knowing look and he downed the rest of his free champagne before crossing his arms. I tensed and glared at the man, hating the smug look on his face and the way he was eyeing Kate. 

"Oh...I get it. You're being that hero persona again...Hawk something. How cute," Derek mused and I glared at him.

"Hawkeye," I snapped and he turned to me before raising a brow. 

"And you are?"

"Clint Barton. The original Hawkeye and your daughters mentor. Believe me, she's telling the truth," I deadpanned and his eyes widened at the fact that an actual Avenger was on his daughters side.

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