Bonus 2: Logan

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I thought the above photo was a new set photo from the Hawkeye series...turns out it's from Civil War. So enjoy the set photo from Civil War and this chapter, that is all. And we hit 7.98 but this has been typed for like 3 weeks and I just wanna post it and let you enjoy. If I finish 3 quick, I'll post it at 8,500.

Also, bonus 2 is dedicated to Anissa_4525 since they love Yelena and I promised some quality Yelena content, also for their kind words on this book. Thank you again🥰🥰🥰

I had to hand it to whoever kidnapped me, their technique was pretty darn impressive. Normally, mind readers are able to sense other people thanks to the fact that we can read minds. I can in turn pinpoint where someone is based on the location of their thoughts. It was how I tracked people back in both the League and the Legion. Sure you can't use it on other mind readers or Clint but everybody else is fair game. Whoever managed to sneak up on me was one of the first like ever to do it. I didn't even hear their mind from a mile away and it in turn bit me in the butt.

I had no idea where I was or who was holding me captive. I just knew that it was very dark, my arms were tied to what felt like a chair and there were no minds in sight. Which was bad for many reasons but mostly because telekinesis requires the use of hands. Most people assume that you can just nod and things will go flying but it doesn't work that way. I use my hands to guide the object and just using it willy nilly would result in basically pure chaos. A whole lotta something going on that would result in somebody getting very, very injured. Not a good thing for sure.

So I was pretty much screwed and was grumbling about that until a bit of light returned. I was apparently wearing a blindfold and could just barely see light coming through. Whoever had kidnapped me had just turned the light on but their mind was still invisible. I frowned at that and felt the person as they ever so slowly untied the band of fabric around my eyes. In seconds I could see and was sitting in front of a familiar face. 

"Oh my!" I exclaimed and she grinned, a smug look on her face. 


"Yeah, a bit," I muttered and glared at the fact that Yelena Belova, Nat's surrogate sister, was the woman standing in front of me.

She looked almost the exact same even though it had been almost two and half years since the funeral and was sprouting a smug look on her face. I had assumed that we got off on the right foot but apparently not and she decided to kidnap me. So much for friends. 

"Why the hell am I here and where is here?"

I glanced around the room to find I was tied to a dining room chair and the walls surrounding it had a strange collection of markings. Ones like arrow holes and spots where the wall looked as though it had been punched a couple times. Depending on what Yelena was about to tell me, I had pretty much already guessed where I was and it was definitely a shock. 

"I grabbed you because your husband killed my sister," Yelena deadpanned and I stared at her in shock. 

"What? Where the hell did you get that idea?"

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