×●°○~♡ Past ♡~○°●×

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!Warning, some swearing!
• July 15, ××××... 5:30 am

~ It was early in the morning and Izuku was finally born... He was born with green curly hair with some black, freckles that were covering his chubby, light color like white on his cheeks on his face. Beautiful green - emerald eyes on the right side and red - ruby eyes on the left side that shine brightly. But what Inko wasn't expecting to hear from the doctor was that Izuku wasn't born a human... But a vampire... A half one...

She didn't know how to react to what the doctor said. She was now worried about her newborn son since society labeled vampires as monsters who drink the life out of a human and kill them...

But she wants to make sure that her son would live a happy life and that he would live his dream...

Until then...


Inko - "mmm... morning Izu... heh... someone is excited today. * sarcasm * I wonder why~"

Izuku - "Mom... did you forget!?"

Inko - * giggles * "No sweetie of course not! Today we finally get to see what quirk you have, am I right?"

Izuku - "Correct! Now let's gooooo!!!"

Inko - "All right let's go have breakfast first."

~ After eating breakfast,  the two then got ready and went to the doctors... When they got there, Izuku was playing with his All Might figurine while waiting to be called in. About a few minutes later, they did some blood work and some tastings to find what kind of quirk Izuku will have. But, what the two did not expect was what the results came as...

Doc - I'm sorry but you'll just have to give up wanting to be a hero.

~ Izukus face went from exciting to a upsetting face... He was told that he was born without a quirk but have some vampire abilities... But they wouldn't count them as quirks tho... Since Midoriya was born a half vampire, he has half of the abilities..  Like:
- speed
- strength
(And other abilities I can't think of...)

Inko - "What do you mean doc? Does he have a quirk or not?..."

Doc - "Well to put it short... He is quirkless... But since he is a half vampire, he has some abilities... But it wouldn't count as a quirk... Sorry..."

~ And with that, they went home and had some lunch... Inko was even more worried about her son... His dreams of being a hero came crashing down... When middle school came, Izuku would come home after a beating from his old "childhood best friend" and would get ignored by his mother... She still does care for him but not all the time now... This time the bullying became more serious and a bit too far... More burn Mark's, head smashed into things, and... being told to take a swan dive off the roof... Izuku was thinking about doing what kachan said put pushed that thought to a side... It was the end of school and Izuku went through the same thing every day until someone saw what was happening and decided to stop what was happening...

??? - "HEY! Leave that poor boy alone! What did he ever do to you guys!?"

Bakugou (age 15) - "Fuck off half n' half... this has nothing to do to you bastard!"

??? - "I'm serious... leave him alone and things won't get violent."

Bakugou - "Tch... I don't have time for you... let's go now..."

~ After Bakugou and his "friends" left, the stranger went over to Izuku and reached out his hand for him to take... Due to being beat up, Izuku flinched a bit and started mumbling things...

??? - "Hey, it's okay... I won't hurt you..."

Izuku (age 15) - "T-thank yo-you sir..."

??? - "Its no problem... My name is Shoto..."

Izuku- " O-oh... well, my n-name is Izuku... Izuku Midoriya... Its nice to meet you..."

Shoto- "Same goes for you..."

* silence *

Izuku - "Well, I should probably go now then..."

Shoto - "I'll walk with you then..."

Izuku - "Oh no no you don't have to! I mean I know you offered to go with me but what if your home late or that your parents might think you went missing and-"

Shoto - "Izuku! It's alright. I wanted to walk with you... And to be sure you make it back to your house safely..."

Izuku - * sigh * "All right then... let's go..."

~ The two boys begin walking to Izukus house while trying to have a conversation... But there was a problem... Tonight, there was this type of noon that vampires, half or full, would go on a rampage, hunting for blood until they met their partner... This was the night of the bloodmoon...  Basically during a bloodmoon, vampires would lose control of their body and mind and hunger... They would go hunt for humans blood which helps calm them down or if they found their mate... But there is a difference. First, when your born a full vampire, you can get your partner pregnant and when your half, you can get pregnant... No matter the gender...

~ For Izuku, this will be his first time losing control...

~ As the two boys were almost at the house and it was getting dark, Izuku started to feel a bit... hungry... Shoto noticed this and was worried about the boy. He asked him what was wrong and the boy answered that he was hungry for food and wanted to get home sooner. So both boys spead up their walking and finally made it to the house. After saying their goodbyes, Izuku went inside and to his room to put his stuff away and change into his pj's. When it was around midnight, the bloodmoon shown its red glowing light that changed the once black sky into a dark blood like red. Izuku woke up at that time now even more hungry. Not for food... but for blood... since vampires can blend into the shadows very well, Izuku lost control of his body and was now outside, hiding in the shadows for his meal to come.

~ About a few minutes later, someone was walking through an alleyway where Izuku hid. Without knowing, he came out from the shadows and tackled the person. His black and blood red eyes staring at the others eyes for a while holding them down with his strength. He then slowly went towards their neck and forcefully sank his fangs into the person's neck, causing them to scream out in pain and trying to break free from the grip. Once Izuku was satisfied with his meal, he let go of the person and left them there to die. Blood dripping from his mouth and from the humans neck, he went back home but made sure to clean the blood off his face. He went back to his bed and begin to fall asleep. But what he didn't know was that he won't be able to remember what happened that night until the morning and would probably be said on the news. So, now Izuku was thinking about what he wants to do for the rest of his life. He still has no ideas yet for his future...

Hi everyone! So this was my first story and I hope it turned out okay... Let me know if there were and bad grammars or something... Have a goodnight/morning! ♡

~ 1225 total of words ~

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