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TW: abuse, homophobia, violence

The service was long and miserable, it was being held in a small hall and even then, there are barely any seats filled. Even my own mother didn't attend my dad's funeral, though I wasn't surprised. A small part of me wanted to see her after all these years.

She is probably off somewhere with a perfect new family; a husband that doesn't gamble all of his money away, and a daughter who is straight. To her, I'm disgusting and a f*g. I quickly brushed off the thought of that woman and focused on the speech my dad's friend was giving.

my dads face was so mangled I had to make it a closed casket funeral, no mortician was up for the task of making him presentable enough. The funeral director approached me "Miss L/N it's time to carry out the casket, when you're ready give me a nod.".

Finally, I can get this over with and go home. I let out a brief sigh, "I'm ready now, let's just get it done and wrap this shit up". The funeral director was momentarily taken aback before he switched to a professional smile as he said, "as you wish Miss L/N".

I got up from my chair and straightened my skirt before approaching the casket. The few family members, the friends of my father, and I began to lift the casket and carry it out to place in the hearse, where he will be transported for his cremation. As I walk over to my car, I notice a tall suited man speaking on the phone, looking over at me periodically with his deep emerald eyes. His hair was tied behind his head messily, with strays framing his face.

I don't remember seeing him at the funeral but it's probably nothing, dad hung around lots of people like that. We didn't have a reception as my dad's life wasn't exactly something to celebrate, so I drove straight home planning to get drunk with my roommate, Sasha, and forget about everything that happened today.

The funeral took longer than I thought, the sun began to set on my drive home. My dumb, sleep-deprived self forgot that I don't have enough drinks for me and Sasha so I stopped along the way home to the bottle shop around the corner from my house. By the time I get there, it's already dark, the street is barely visible thanks to the negligent council that refuses to fix the street lights.

The bell rings as I open the door, stepping into the run-down family-owned shop, the owner is preoccupied with watching TV and couldn't even hear me enter the store. I immediately go for the spirits aisle, grabbing the cheapest bottle I could find. After awkward small talk with the owner and paying, I head to my car which is parked across the dark, empty street.

As I get closer to my car, I feel somebody watching me, so I clutch my keys between my knuckles and looked in the reflection of my car's window. A glimpse of the man at the funeral appears,looming behind me. Before I have any time to respond, a strong arm wraps around me as I'm pulled to his body, a cloth is forced over my nose and mouth. Its sweet smell burns through my airways barely giving me any time to struggle before my body goes limp, and everything fades to black.

My head feels like it's spinning as I slowly gain consciousness. I find myself lying down staring at a decorated ceiling, like those you would find in an old mansion. I quickly realise my hands are tied together with zip ties, where the fuck am I?! why the fuck am I tied up?! I try to break free of the zip tie but it was useless.

I looked around, in hopes of finding an exit, I was on a brown leather couch, the walls consisted of intricately carved wood with an old-fashioned fireplace in front of me, the room was filled with bookshelves. It smelled of cedarwood and old books, there were stained glass windows and a large desk scattered with papers. Before I could get up and attempt to make an escape, the large wooden door swung open behind me and a tall brunette entered the room.

They had a black eyepatch and wore glasses, their shoulder-length hair was tied up. They took off their blazer and loosened their tie before pouring themselves a glass of scotch before approaching me.

They stared down at me, smirking and taking a sip of their drink before placing it on top of the fireplace.

They unbuttoned their shirt, just enough to show their collar bones, my eyes couldn't help but wonder, grazing over their neck tattoos and caramel skin. They stared at me like a predator watching its prey.

They looked over to the man at the door "Eren, you can leave now, close the door behind you", The man nodded, "yes boss.". Boss? just what have I found myself caught up in. It was a challenge to take my eyes off their side profile, their strong jawline and hook nose were accentuated by the dim light.

I didn't say anything until I had a better idea of who this person is. fuck, Sasha is probably losing her shit right now, or she's passed out in a food coma. But that's not my main concern right now, I have to figure out who this hot four eyes is and why I'm here.

The last thing I was expecting was for them to burst out laughing maniacally, "sorry dear! I couldn't keep it in any longer!" they boomed. I looked at them blankly, for some reason they are even scarier now. They rushed over to me, with a bounce in their step before kneeling down and grabbing hold of my wrists with their strong hands.

They looked at me intensely, their eyes darkened as my heart pounded and my cheeks grew hot. They smiled ear to ear, "sorry for the zip ties, I promise to not tie you up without your consent ever again dear".

I swallowed, trying my best to hide the fact I'm scared out of my wits I asked "what the fuck is going on, who are you, and what do you want?"

They smiled brightly and tucked a strand of my h/c hair behind my ear, "My name is Hange Zoe, and you owe me quite a lot of money thanks to your late father's little gambling problem" they beamed.

My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, their face was so close to mine it was hard to breathe. Everything was so unreal, I went from getting drinks for me and Sasha to being tied up in a room with this 'Hange'.

I tried my best to find the words to say but all I could get out was "how much?" They laughed and walked over to their desk, shuffling through the disorganised documents that were scattered.

They pushed up their glasses and read off a page, "20k dear".

I felt my stomach drop, the room was spinning and my brain was foggy, how could I pay that off? What happens if I don't? fucking Dad, even after death you still fuck up my life.

"What happens if I can't get the money?" I questioned.

They sighed, "get creative, unless you don't wanna see that cute roommate of yours again, what's her name? Sasha Braus?"

My fear turned to anger, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!". I immediately regretted my outburst as Hange's smile faded from their face in a split second, their eyes darkened as they pushed me back on the couch and gripped my face in one hand.

Their face was inches away from mine, "There's no need to be so impolite, remember your place y/n. I'm not the one tied up and defenseless right now". Their voice was deeper and more aggressive.

I looked them dead in the eyes and nodded, their eyes widened and they licked their lips as they stared down at me. They stood up, clearing their throat and rubbing their hand on the back of their neck as they laughed nervously.

I know I can't get the money, but I also know I can't let Sasha be put in harm's way. "What if I worked for you, to pay it off."

They choked on their drink, and burst out laughing while gripping their sides with one arm.

My head was pounding, my vision went blurry as tears started to form, they're right, what can I offer? I stared at the persian rug on the floor, images of sasha lying on the floor shot dead couldn't get out of my mind.

"I don't know what I can offer, but I will do whatever you want me to do, any job. Please I can't-" I begged, almost choking on my words.

Hange grabbed the scotch from the fireplace and took a sip. Smirking devilishly, staring down at me with nothing but hunger in their eyes as if they already had a plan for me from the start.

They slowly approached me. Gripping my h/c hair in their hands, they pulled my head back to look up at them.

"I may have an idea or two."

Word count: 1580

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