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I'm running down a hallway, screams echoing off the walls. Mine? No, it's a girl's. A name flits through my mind and vanishes as soon as I try to grasp it. I know the girl. She's special to me. I slow, panting heavily. I need to catch my breath, but I can only pause for a second. I know he's chasing me.

Must find help.

I gasp, sucking in a breath of air and straightening, popping my back just as a hand grabs my shoulder. I scream, ripping myself out of the person's grasp and whirling around to see a white face with black, rotten holes where the eyes are and a gaping mouth of razor sharp teeth. It's that man's face. The one that follows me around in my mind and my drawings. He laughs, spittle spraying me as I try to back away and fall to the ground.

"Ring around a rosy," he sings as he pulls a doll out from behind his back. It's of a little girl screaming and something in me breaks. He shakes it while still singing and tosses it at me. "Play time," he growls.

And I wake up screaming.

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