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Tyrell passes out bowls and spoons for soup while Ms. Husby works on cooking squash for tomorrow's meal. We're several days early for Thanksgiving, but with Tyrell and Aliyah leaving us tomorrow night, we won't have our own "family" dinner on Thanksgiving. Ms. Husby wants us to have our own special day with our makeshift family.

Aliyah chatters loudly about all the techniques I've taught her, and she stresses repeatedly about how the lines need to be sketched lightly, not carved into the paper. I may have made a few more comments about that to cause her to start repeating the mantra. Tyrell smiles as he listens to his sister, and I interject about how talented she is becoming.

"If she keeps working and practicing, and I mean this, she could become a great artist." I turn to look at Aliyah who has a giant spoonful of vegetable soup in her mouth. "Just don't give up and keep working at it."

She grins, cheeks full like a chipmunk, and nods a bunch before eating some more. I snort in amusement and look at Tyrell. "I can see a love of food runs in your family."

He shrugs and laughs. "Hey, we appreciate a good meal! That's part of why I stay here with you guys. Ms. Husby's cooking is to die for."

We finish our meals quickly, and I take the dishes to the sink to rinse and then put into the dishwasher. Ms. Husby is still working away on the squash casserole she's making, so I ask, "Do you need any help?"

She waves me off. "No dear, you go spend time with Aliyah while she's here. Caleb's already promised to help me tonight but thank you."

Oh? I look at Caleb, and he nods. "Aliyah," I say, looking over at the girl, "want to keep working on our drawing practice?"

"Yes!" she crows triumphantly, hopping up and dashing up the stairs before anyone can say anything.

"Thanks, Caleb," I yell as I walk after her.

"No problem," he shouts after me.

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