Last day if school

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Kenzie's POV
When I woke up I had forgotten that today was the day I was gonna leave so I thought today would be a good day but then I remembered and I was not okay anymore but, I just got ready like usual and I thought about putting on a cute outfit but I couldn't be bothered to so I just put on some leggings and a crop top with a jacket cause dress code. When I went downstairs I saw Maddie watching tv in the living room and her mom cooking breakfast.

"Morning Madds" I say to Maddie but she's still focused on the tv. "Maddie" I say a little louder "oh hey morning sorry I didn't hear you" I looked at her face and I think she remembered to because she didn't seem that happy either but she was all ready so I knew she would go to school with me that day which I'm glad I mean I want to spend my last day of school with my best friend. Then I thought to myself 'wait what if the new family lives close so I don't have to move schools' I really wished that would happen but I knew with my luck it probably won't. Her mom called us in for breakfast so we went and sat on the table while her mom served us our food.  When she gave us our food she sat down with us and I knew that I was gonna miss times like these but I hope I would have more with the other mother.(I did a Coraline reference for you Maddie) We just sat there in silence but comfortable, silence then Maddies mom spoke up "so how are you two feeling?" I spoke up but quickly got interrupted "um I guess I-" "like hell" "Madalynn language young lady" when her mom said that I looked at Maddie and she looked at me we just bursted out laughing.

When we got our laughs out I continued "okay but in all seriousness I guess I'm a little excited but still really scared" then obviously Maddie had something to say (sry Maddie) "why the hell would you be scared" "well what if they don't really want me and they just do it for money and what if they discipline their kids by hitting them" in all honesty I really was worried about that. "Girl if they even hurt you one bit they are going to meet my fists" she said that while holding up her fists so I couldn't help but laugh a little. At this moment I realized Maddie is the person that will always be there for me no matter what and at this point in our friendship she really is like a sister to me so I really hope that she'll want to keep in contact with me when I'm gone. By the time we finished our food it was time to leave.

On the way we listened to music the whole time we've always loved to do that together ever since we were little, it was like our way to escape reality it calmed us down a lot that's for sure. Anyways when we got to school I was really hoping that I would wake up for this dream or should I say nightmare but I pinched myself and it hurt so I wouldn't wake up. When we got out of the car I just said a simple "bye" and a wave to maddies mom cause I would see her once more after school and that's when I would say my real goodbye. We walked in and we went to our first class which went by really fast so I just wanted this day to slow down which I don't say often. By the time we were in 3rd period I looked over at Maddie and she just honestly looked bored out of her mind so I talked to her "is it me or this day has gone by really quick?" "Yea it's already 3rd period and I feel like I've been here for at least 20 minutes" that made me giggle a little so she looked at my funny "what, why are you laughing" at this point I was full on laughing but trying to hold it in cause we were in class. "It's just you say you feel like you've been here for 20 minutes but to me you look bored out of your mind" "I am bored but like a fast bored" I am so lucky this is my best friend we have the same humor.

Then it was time for lunch but you know food lunch isn't the best so we didn't want to eat so we went to the gym just to hang out and talk. I guess we still didn't want to believe that I was leaving so when we tried to talk nothing came out of our mouths but I guess Maddie eventually found words cause she was the first to talk. "You know I'm gonna miss you right" "yea me to" "we've just known each other for so long and growing up with you is all I've ever known and now it's like was all we did as friends for nothing" when she said that I kinda got scared that she was gonna say she didn't wanna be friends anymore but I still spoke up "I think all the memories we made growing up are what made us closer I mean I still remember when I met you on the playground at recess back in first grade" "I thought I was the only one that remembered I still have the rock you gave me it's in a box in my closet hidden away" "you do I thought you would've gotten rid of it by now" "why would I get rid of it I remember meeting you like it was yesterday"

Flashback:First grade little Kenzie and Maddie were playing on the playground Maddies POV
I was running around on the playground playing tag with some classmates I needed to hide so I went under the playground but when I got they I got scared, there was another little girl laying under it 'is she dead' I thought to myself. I went to wake her up and I guess she didn't see me when I went under because she got a little scared. "Hi sorry I didn't mean to wake you up or scare you or bother you at all really" "it's ok if you didn't wake me up no one would so a teacher would come get me I'm Kenzie by the way" "well hello Kenzie I'm Maddie it's nice to meet you" and with that we went our separate ways I forgot I was playing tag so I went and sat in the dirt to play with rocks, I like rocks. When I looked up I saw Kenzie standing there looking down at me. "Hi Maddie why are you playing in the dirt?" "Oh hi Kenzie um I don't know I like it I guess, want to play with it to?" "Yea sure okay" when I was going to make a spot for her to sit I accidentally put some dirt on her shoes "oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" but she didn't look mad she just smiled at me "it's ok it's just dirt it'll come off I like dirt to so it doesn't matter" when she sat down we started making things with dirt and then out of no where she hands me a rock "here I found it it's really pretty so I thing you should have it" it was really pretty so I took it "thank you it really is pretty I'll keep it forever" this girl loves dirt and rocks and she's nice to me she's gonna be my friend "um i was wondering would you maybe want to be my best friend?" "I've never had a best friend so... okay we are now besties"
End of flashback...

Kenzie's POV
"You'll never stop being my friend right?" I guess she noticed I was worried about that so she made me feel better. "Kenz shut up you and I know damn well we were meant to be best friends so duhhh of course I'll never stop being you friend no matter what" well that's a relief I need her she's the only person who keeps me from going insane and I'm the only person that can keep her from either getting into fights or cursing out a teacher with us you never really know so it helps to have someone to stop you. "Hey quick question how many times do you think we would have gone to the principals office if we weren't here to stop each other from doing crazy things?" I truly wanted to know her answer so hopefully she answers truly. "Oh definitely between the two of us more than we can count for sure" and with that lunch time had ended so it was back to class for us. The rest of the day was pretty boring I spent most classes on my phone, I sit in the back so it doesn't matter the teachers can't see me. During 6th period maddie fell asleep so I payed attention and I would pass on the info to her when classes ended. Honestly I just wrote notes and gave them to her we did that a lot. By the time last period came I really wish time would just be on my side for once and slow down or just stop in total but then the noise I was dreading to hear all day the last bell and with that it was time to go, not gonna lie when I heard the bell I wanted to cry but I didn't so I just gave Maddie a hug and we walked out of school together one last time.

Ok so that's that um sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm not gonna lie I was just lazy but I hope you like this chapter, anyways until next time- Kenzie💕

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