Lonesome walks

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There she was peering into the cafeteria. A place completely vacant of adolescents. As typically figured a high school would have stereo types, but not this one. Faced with no.

Stereo types everyone sat where they wanted and talked about a accumulation of things. She sat in the corner of the room at a table not quite abandoned but shame what

desolate. She liked to observe the other students, not in a stalker-ish tone , just simply so she could learn their ways. The peoples faces would brighten up when they talked about

a subject matter the had interest in. She would watch their faces fade out in the vise versa. She liked to imagine what they were talking about or what it was they caused them to

be genuinely happy.

The bell rang disturbing her from her thoughts.she stood up and set her pace as she walked through the halls.

"Room 207" she whispered to her self , reassuring that she knew where she was going.

She sat in the middle, right side of the room. It was the most vacant spot, so she figured she wouldn't have to socialize on a bases. He walked I the room, and took his seat. Brown

hair, blue eyes , tan skin. "Strait out of an Abercrombie & fitch ad" she thought to her self, and the. Let out a bit of a laugh earning a few awkward glances from the people sitting

across from her. "That's not what Normal people do" she made a mental note. She tilted her head down so people couldn't see the shame in her eyes. Not that people

acknowledged her that often. One of his friends strides over to him and after an accumulation of time his friend earned a smile.

His smile could lighten up a room. It was also strictly contagious. The bell rang signaling class to begin. She drifted off into a world consumed of daydreams, not caring what

mr.elmsworth had to say.

"El" mr.elmsworth said in a firm voice

"Can you give us the answer to the question"

She glanced up at the board seeing the calculus problem , and did the Mental math to solve for the equation.

"X=74 over 20" she stated

All the eyes drifted off her yet she could still feel her heart raceing. The couldn't ring soon enough but when it did she was the first out the door.

It wasn't the long walk home she dreaded , it was the lonesomeness that the walk bared. The autumn wind was blowing her long auburn hair out of el's face and crisp lifeless

leaves fluttered down from their mothering tree. She kept her eyes focused on her shoes. Although the boy and her had the same rout home they never walked together. But with

her eyes on the ground and her wondering mind she managed to land her self on the ground entangled with him .

"Oh my god I'm so sorry "the words poured from her mouth.

"It's good" he replied "no harm done".

"I just have to have the clumsy gene" she spoke with a hint of nervousness

He laughed at that , then got up and extended his arm towards her. She shyly took it and he pulled her to her feet.

"I'm Cambell by the way " he spoke

"El " she said shaking his hand even though she already knew his name.

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