Crytal water and fiery trees

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That day was the first day they walked together. El wasn't sure how long it was to last so she made

her best to grasp on to what she had. They gossiped (not in the feminine way ) mostly about

rumors they had heard around the school.

"Whats you favorite song" he asked

"Bohemian rhapsody , by queen" she replied

He shook his head in a disapproving humorous way

" bohemian rhapsody is a perfectly good song " she said

"It's not that" he said "it's that fact it took you .5 seconds to answer. That just means you said the

first thing that came to mind."

"Ok , I'll give you that but it's an amazing song "she spoke with a smirk planted on her freckled


He turned into his long brick driveway and gave a half a wave bye. She continued down the road ,

about half a mile till she reached her front door step. Peering in , she was greeted by a barking

sheep dog. El bent over humbly and gave it a pat on the head. She walked towards the living room

(boxes scattered everywhere (they just moved to summit Wisconsin a month ago ). She steeped


the back door and on to the winding path that lead to the paddock. Her dad was out in the ring

guiding a dapple grey horse in circles.

"How's she doin?" She asked

"Better I suppose" he spoke " she's not getting the arch we want and her step is off , but we're

getting there,aren't we?"he said turning to the horse.

"Did you let apachie out in the paddock ? "she asked


"Did you bring him back in?"

"He's all tacked up and ready to go"

"Thanks pa" she said and then turned to head to the rustic old barn that had recently been


She hurdles her small figure up onto the dark bay horse,then leans over to untie the restraint that

was keeping her horse from roaming off. She generally forced her heels into the horses sides and

Started at a canter. Out of the barn they went.

There is a place in the back forest of the farm she liked to visit. A small cliff overlooking a valley

with lively ferns and fiery trees. There was a large flat topped bolder that she could perch on and

sort through her adolescent mind. El would go there to distract herself from reality.

She urged her self off the horse and slipped of her converse( she hadn't thought about slipping a

pair if boots on when she rushed to the barn. She sat on the boulder and let her feet soak in the

near by creek warmed by the sun. She just sat there and thought.about an hour went by.

There was a rustling in the shrubbery and she drained her neck to see what it was. Out emerged

the boy she walked with earlier and his tall palomino horse.

"I wouldn't soak my feet the water if I were you "

She gave him a questioning look

" there's bound to be a moccasin or cotton mouth in there somewhere"

And with that she swiftly took her feet out of the water.

He joined her on the rock and looked up to the sky

The sun was setting , glistening on the reflective surface of the clear water.

" it's getting darker" he said

"It's okay "she replied "I like to watch the stars "

They sat there in silence waiting oft the radiant stars to appear

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