Endless stars

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As she woke up in the morning she felt as she normally did which consisted of being tired and

insecure. She never woke up gracefully, not like the Disney princesses in anyway. Her brown hair

loose and raging in messy natural curls. The only makeup she wore was mascara and occasional

concealer if her tiredness showed and puberty worked its magic. Apparently she hadn't removed all

the makeup from the night before according to the black smudges under her eyes and on the satin

pillow case. She untucked her self from the warmth of the blankets and let the brisk cold morning

air devour her whole . She took long strides to the bathroom eager to let the hot water hit her skin.

Shampoo , condition, rinse, wash body ,done . She stepped out of the shower into the now humid

bathroom. Steam was collected and condensing on the mirror. She pulled a blue towel down from

the cabinet and engulfs herself in it. Opening up the the window she can hear the soft sound of

spring birds chirping. The steam vacates and she make make out her shape in the mirror.

She decided to let her hair dry in its natural curls and she added mascara to her already thick

lashes that surrounded her blue eyes. She steps out from In front of the vanity and into her closet

picking out an out fit for the day. Distressed light wash shorts , a floral nirvana shirt (like her

favorite book character) ,a grey chain knit cardigan and her white converse . Typical white girl

thought to her self . But that's what she was trying to be . She was trying to fit in but at the same

time she wanted to contrast but wasn't confident enough to do so . But it didn't matter anymore

cause she wasn't the one who got noticed. She was a dimmer star in the ominous dark sky.

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