The Value : OT7

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Here u go dears❤

Ignore the typo errors and grammatical mistakes please❤


Author's pov

When they left to rest room area, Namjoon and Mr. Kim engaged in business related convo. Meanwhile one of the curious business associate asked Mr. Kim how does he know Jin.

"How does I know him? Ha ha, Kim Seokjin is the most professional Gynacologist I had ever came across in my entire career. Many juniors used to request me to give jin as their Guide during internship. My own daughter was groomed by jin's expertise. Such a smart, hard working man. He is more like a son to me. And even after all these years, his old patients used to call me asking to know whether jin came back or not. "
Mr. Kim said

"Wow! That's so impressive" the man said

"I know! But he quitted his job, since he wanted to take care of his boys completely. They were so tiny back then. Look at them now, all grown up handsome and kind like their papa"

Namjoon's heart filled with pride and respect for being the husband of such an amazing Doctor in the medical field. Alongwith pride, something else nagged him, which was guilt

He felt an immense guilt inside him, for ignoring and not giving proper care and love for his man, who sacrificed his family, his career and reputation to be with him. His heart ached, thinking how lonely and left out his husband might have been when he was stripped away from his deserved love.

He felt sorry that he allowed their children to be spoiled and act so disrespectful towards their Papa, who had given up on his entire life to make sure they are loved and to erase the feeling of being unwanted.

Namjoon thought, he failed as a husband and a father and he have to fix it, before he lose his husband forever.

Meanwhile their children were looking baffled at the newfound information. They did not know that their Papa had a job. Because jin made sure of it. He doesn't want none of them to feel guilty, when they grow up, knowing that their papa had to give up on his hard earned job to look after them. And regret and guilt were coursing through their entire system, with each words uttered hy Mr. kim.

"And you kiddos must be very proud of your papa, just like Namjoon. You are the most luckiest kids in the world, I want you to know that" Mr. Kim said unknowing of the heart ache inside the boys, who were somehow managing their fake smile.

Their eyes met Namjoon, who mirrored the same regret and sadness like them. They know, they have fucked up real bad and now its on them how to fix it.

For some reason, yoongi couldn't control a small tear that dropped from his eyes. And he did not looked up at his brothers bcz he knows, they are also at the verge of crying.

It was like a reality check for them. They would be in the streets if not for their dada and papa. They would literally be nobodies, if it wasnt for the last name they hold.

How did they became such spoiled brats? When did they stopped beaming at their papa while getting compliments? When did they start hating the lovely nick names their papa had given them?

When did they become such heartless monsters and where was the innocent kind kids their papa raised?

Soon all the verbal wounds they have caused their papa were playing like a record in their heads. From swatting his hands away while he ruffles their hair, yelling at him while waking up, insulting him at all times, forgetting his bdays.... They fucked up real bad.

And something in them tells that, they were really late to rectify their mistakes


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