Don't do it- Emily POV

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Emily's POV:

I have been with the team for a few weeks and it was great, but only when I was at the BAU or out on a case with the team. I was especially happy when I was with JJ, I felt comfortable with her. I liked her maybe more than a friend but I was in a relationship and I was straight. So maybe I just really cared for her. Andrew was coming to see me again. Every time he comes he thinks I'm cheating and lying t him. He would throw me around and lead bruises all over me. I think Penelope and JJ were starting to notice because they always wanted to be in contact with me when he was here. I got a call, " I am ten minutes away, make sure the door is unlocked when I get there or I'm gonna do the same thing I did last time I was there." Andrew said angrily through the phone. "ok, it will be open" I replied. 

I went over and unlocked my door and went to my bedroom, I was scared of what was gonna happen when he showed up. I got a call from JJ. "hey em, do you wanna hang out tonight" she said as I was about to answer her my bedroom door flung open. "who the hell are you talking to Emily?!" Andrew yelled at me. "it's just JJ I promise." I replied, JJ didn't hang up, the phone was still on my ear as I whispered "help me JJ"  She said, "I'm coming to Emily hold on".  I hung up the phone quickly.

Andrew stormed over to me and he grabbed my phone and threw it. He threw me against the wall and tried to choke me. His hands were tightening around my throat as I struggled to breathe I had just enough strength left for me to kick him off of me. He was pissed, "Who the fuck do you think you are Emily." he grabbed my keys off my nightstand and said, " I'm going to the bar, you better have an explanation as to who the hell that was when I get back." 

I stumbled my way into my bathroom and grabbed a bottle of pills out of the drawer. "I'm sorry," I said while looking at myself in the mirror. I dumped the pills in my mouth and was able to swallow a few before JJ and morgan and kicking the door of my bathroom down. "Emily Don't do it," she said with tears in her eyes before opening my mouth making the pills fall out. She stuck her fingers down my throat and made me puke up the pills that I swallowed. "Morgan call an ambulance" JJ yelled as morgan was looking for Andrew around my apartment. " I already did JJ," he said as he walked into the bathroom I was crying In JJs arms as she was hugging me. "Where is he Emily?" he said in a stern voice. I was able to stop crying enough to look up at him and say the bar, he went to the bar. Probably the one down the street." "I will be right back, I promise," he said as he was running out of the apartment. The paramedics came in and put me on a gurney, and rolled me out of my apartment. JJ rode with me to the hospital in the ambulance. we got to the hospital and I was in my room, "em?" she quietly said while holding my hand. "ya JJ" "please never try to leave me again Emily, I need you," she said with tears in her eyes. " I couldn't resist, I grabbed her face and kissed her. She pulled away. " I... I uh, I'm sorry JJ" before I could say anything else she pulled me back in and kissed me again. Our kiss was interrupted by a phone call from Morgan. "I got him, Emily, he will never lay hand on you ever again." I started to cry, "thank you, Derek, you, and JJ saved me." " and we always will" he replied. 

I moved over and motioned for JJ to come to get in the bed with me. she snuggled up to me wrapping her arms and legs around me and putting her face into the crook of my neck.  we fell asleep. I woke up to the nurse coming into my room. "good morning Emily, I have some good news and some not-so-fun news" she said. " ok what is it?" I asked. "physically you are ok, but we need to set you up with a therapist, I'm gonna send her in later and she will determine if you are mentally well enough to go home. If she thinks your well enough to go home then you can leave tonight" " ok thank you," I said as JJ started to wake up.

"good morning, how are you feeling," she asked as she looked up at me giving me a light kiss. "I'm feeling good, the doctor says I can go home tonight if the therapist I have to talk to says that I can," I said. "yay that's good." "Yeah, I guess it is I said pulling her into a hug.

~ A few hours later~ 

JJ had to leave when the therapist was talking to me, She said I could go home tonight but she wants me to come in for a few more appointments.

JJ came back in the room when the therapist left " I can go home tonight. she just wants me to come in for a few more appointments." Yay, that's great news" she said. "will you stay with me I don't want to be alone?" I asked. " Of course I will."

 hotch made me take some time off and gave JJ some time off to help me.

When we got back to my apartment, we lay on the couch and I turned on a movie. JJ held me until I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee. "Hey JJ, we should talk." "ok" she replied walking towards me with two cups of coffee.

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A/N: I don't really like this chapter but it's whatever. Have a good day! I will try to get the next chapter out tonight but if I cant it will be out tomorrow. <3

wordcount: 1,146. 

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