Toni Topaz 🐍

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You and toni have a date at the fair

You smiled at Toni as she began cutely dancing and singing along to the music on the radio .You two were currently driving to a fair in Greendale .You were extremely excited to have your first date with Toni,
Ever since you first laid eyes on her you knew two would instantly hit it off .She had saved you from a bully in 5th grade and ever since then you two had been best friends ,whenever she was in trouble you were always by her side and vice versa ,You two were attached at the hip .
As you started high school you started developing romantic feelings for your best friend and only yesterday had you found out she had felt the exact same way .
You were pulled from your thoughts as you heard an excited squeal coming from beside you as you pulled into the car park .
You chuckled as you saw a more childish side to her .When you were at school or with the serpents she put up a defensive tough front but when she was around you she became her true childish fun self .It was adorable .
She opened the passenger door and let you out of the car
'Ladies first'she said with a goofy grin .
'Thank you' you replied with a giggle.
'So where do you want to go first' She asked as you two held hands and began walking past stalls.
'I don't mind, why don't you choose babe'
'I'd love to' She said blushing from the nickname .
Suddenly you heard a loud gasp and saw toni with an gleeful look on her face .
'Come on I have the perfect idea ' she said dragging you by the hand over to a hook a duck stand .
After toni has skillfully won the game she asked you to go and stand over by the next stall .You headed over there confused but excited .Toni snook up behind you a few minutes later .
'Surprise' you heard her say .You turned towards her and saw she was holding a giant stuffed rabbit .
'Awww toni I love it thank you' you snaked your arms around toni waist and gave her a large hug and a peck on the cheek .
'I knew rabbits are your favourite and it looks exactly like Hopps'
Hopps was the rabbit you had a few years ago.When he died last year you were so upset you couldn't stop crying for weeks .Toni had been the only one who could cheer you up .She brought you your favourite meal from pops and you to cuddled up and watched Peter rabbit .
Smiling at the memory you suddenly came up with a plan .
'Come on tt I have an idea 'you said smiling ,taking her over to a queue.
A few minutes later you and toni were cuddled up together in a seat on the Ferris wheel looking out onto riverdale, your head resting on Toni's shoulder ,with the stuffed bunny on your lap.You lifted you head to look at Toni and saw her gazing back at you with a warm smile on her face .
'Toni Topaz ,will you be my girlfriend' you suddenly blurted out ,covering you mouth embarrassed at what you had just asked but not regretting it one bit .
A smile flooded Toni's face as she looked into your eyes with a love struck gaze .
'Y/n I would be honoured to be your girlfriend' she said bringing you in for a kiss .Your lips met and everything suddenly felt right .It was at that moment your realised you had fallen in love with Toni Topaz .

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