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The sky was overcast, but that was normal for an October weekend in Seattle. The seagulls were extra obnoxious that afternoon, and the wind brought the smell of rain. I was happy about the strip being nearly deserted, but then again who was actually crazy enough to be walking outside in almost thirty degree weather?

Oh right, I was.

I stuffed my hands deeper in my pockets, foolishly thinking that my hands would regain warmth if I dug deeper. I buried my chin in my scarf and started to walk faster. I wanted to get to my car and go home.

The sound of a guitar and the harmonizing of a voice distracted me. It was just a few yards away, and I was instantly intrigued. First by, who in their right mind would be sitting and playing an instrument in this condition? And secondly, the guitar and voice sounded nice to listen to.

Altogether abandoning about my struggle and hurry to get in my car, I followed the voice and guitar. I sped up my pace and found the source of the lovely sound.

It was a guy no older than myself. He was clad in nearly all black. Black beanie with tuffs of dark brown hair sticking out, black Ray Ban sunglasses (which left me confused; there was no sight of the sun anywhere), and black jeans. He wore a large black and white sweater and dirty converse.

The stranger was sitting on the railing that separated me from a ten foot drop before hitting the Puget Sound water. I'm sure that was illegal and definitely not safe, but the guy didn't seem to care. He strummed his guitar to a vaguely familiar Blink 182 song that I knew I had heard before.

"You're really good." I spoke up.
His fingers stopped moving and he looked up at him. I couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses, but I wondered what color they were.

"Thank you." He flashed a toothy grin. There was an awkward silence that followed, but he continued to look at me.

"That's not very safe to sit on the railing like that." I stammered.

"I know."

Oh, I thought. So he was this kind of guy.
"It's not very sunny outside." I noted, crossing my arms against my chest. Truth be told, I was very cold.

"You're referring to my sunglasses, I presume," I detected a slight hint of amusement. I nodded. "Well, sometimes it's better to not see at all. The world can be such an ugly place. I'm Liam." He held out his hand and I shook it.

"Saffron." I introduced myself.

"Like the flower?" Liam raised an eyebrow and a smirk played on his lips.

"Yes, like the flower." The wind picked up and I shivered instantly. My light brown hair blew around wildly and I forced my teeth to not chatter.

"That's pretty. I've been told it can double as a guys name too. Do you go to school around here?" The wind seemed to be absolutely no effect on Liam, and I wasn't quite sure if I should've taken his first sentence as an offense or not.

"Yeah. Hale High School." I nodded again.

"Really? Me too. I've never seen you around." Liam sounded surprised.

"Well, I don't like to be seen much, and likewise. But I really have to go. Maybe I'll see you Monday. Bye, Liam." I liked the way his name sounded from my voice. I turned around and began to walk away.

"I won't see you, though." Liam called.

"Why's that?" I frowned and turned my head to look at the boy playing guitar on the railing. He was flirting dangerously with safety and luck. Later I would learn, he lacked in luck.

"I'm blind."

And with that, a smile curved on his lips. He chuckled to himself, as if it was a funny inside joke; but continued to play his guitar even as I felt the first drops of rain on my cheek.

~Hello! I'm giving this shot. I'm sorry it's so short, but tell me what you think :) I hope y'all like it!~ -Leeah :)

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