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I arrived at my house around seven at night. All I could think about was Liam, and not in the stalkish way, but I was racking my brain trying to remember if I've ever seen him at school previous from our encounter. I just knew that I wanted to be around him.

Stepping out of my car, I slung my purse over my shoulder and walked into my house.

The smell of salad dressing and fruit welcomed me. It was Rebecca's turn to make dinner that night, and I should've known it would have been salad. My older sister was on some crazy health diet because she wanted to make sure she would fit into her prom dress; which was insane since prom wasn't for another five months.

"I'm home!" I called as I made my way into the kitchen.

Rebecca was chopping up carrots on the kitchen counter. She was already in her pajamas. "Hey, girl. How was work?"

"Ugh," Was my only response as I sat on a barstool at the island in the kitchen. "When will mom be home?"

"You just missed her. She's working at the clinic all night. She sends her love." Rebecca said, not turning to look at me.

I bit my lip. I didn't know if I should ask about Liam. My sister knew everyone at school, being the social butterfly she was. If she didn't know a student at Hale High, then nobody knew that kid.

"Do you know a guy named Liam at school? He's blind." I almost wanted to hold my breath.

Rebecca stopped chopping the carrots and turned to face me. I was a little nervous now.

"Yeah, I do." She said.

"What's his deal?" I asked.

"He's interesting. My friend dated him for a month in freshman year. He's not much."

"Ouch." I muttered.

"What? It's true. All he does it play guitar and sing. He sits alone at lunch, too. He's just a bizarre guy. Why are you so curious?" My sister raised an eyebrow at me.

"I ran into him on my way home. I heard him playing guitar. He was siting on the railing and the Sound was right behind him. I was like 'you could die.' And we kinda just talked for a minute." I explained.

"Yeah, that sounds like him. Anyway, what do you want in your salad?" Rebecca turned around and continued to chop carrots. I was going to find him the next day at school and talk to him. He needed a friend and I couldn't seem to get him out of my head.

"Same as you." I said.

"Good that makes it easier. Hey, there's supposed to be some house party this Friday. Wanna go with me?"

"I don't know. Calum wanted to go to the space needle on Friday." I shrugged.

"Oh my gosh! As a date!?" Rebecca whipped around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What? No. Come on. You know how this is." I sighed.

Rebecca had the mindset that since my best friend was of the opposite gender, that we would eventually fall in love and start dating. That was not the case.

"It'll happen one day, just you wait," She handed me a bowl of salad and a fork. I hated salad, but if someone makes me food, I can't deny that.

"Sure, okay." I snorted before I took a bite of lettuce.

I was too distracted to eat but I managed to make a dent. I wordlessly cleaned my plate and headed to my room. There, I collapsed on bed and sighed. I pulled out my phone to see if I had any texts.

Calum sent a few, just to remind me that it was his turn to carpool. I always had to wake up early with him. I would tell him to pick me up at 6:20 and he would be at my doorstep by 6:00.

Not bothering to reply, I just fell asleep.

Monday morning came too quick. I didn't want to get up, and I certainly didn't want to go to school. But of course, we all have to do things we don't want to do.

I rolled out of bed and dressed quickly. It was too early in the morning to be bothered by my hair, so I wrapped it up in a bun, and did my makeup. My phone buzzed and I picked up the call.

"Hello?" My voice always sounded weird in the morning.

"I'm like two seconds away from your house. Let's go." Calum sounded way too cheery.

"Alright." I yawned before hanging up. I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran down the stairs. Rebecca was in the kitchen making eggs. She didn't have to be at school until her 3rd hour class. I didn't understand why she didn't sleep in.

"'Morning." She sang. Maybe I was just the only one in a bad mood on Mondays.

"Hey." I sighed, finding an apple in the fridge. A car horn honked outside and my sister laughed.

"At least you'll never be late to class with him. Have a good day." She gave me a quick hug before I had to rush out the door.

My body couldn't register how cold it really was outside because I was running to get to Calum's car. I opened the passenger door and popped inside.

"You take way too long." Calum commented as he hit the gas.

"Well sorry. Im still trying to wake up." I yawned to prove my point.

"Well maybe some tea and donuts will wake you up." He smiled while reaching into the backseat and pulled out a bag. He placed it on my lap and I smiled.

"Thank you! All I have is an apple." I said. There were two glazed donuts and a bottle of sweet tea. My two favorites.

"No problem. There was three in there but I got super hungry." Calum shrugged.

"Do you know a senior named Liam?" I asked with a mouthful of donut.

"No, why? Do I need to beat him up?" Calum asked.

"What? No. I was just curious if you knew who he was." I said.

"Oh. Well I don't. Are we still on for the Space Needle on Friday?" He asked, taking a glance at me.

"Yeah, it's not like I have anything better to do." I said playfully.

"Fine. I'll just go by myself." He pouted. I looked over at him with an eyebrow raise. His brown curly hair wasn't a mess like usual, and his his blue eyes looked happy. But something about him was different.

"Really? You'll go to the space meddle alone? You need someone to walk with you to the bathroom."

"Yeah? So." He pouted again, and turned into the school's parking lot.

"I'm kidding. I'm excited to go." As I laughed, I spotted someone walking alone towards to the school. The person was holding a guitar, and he was dressed in dark colors. It only took me a second to realize it was Liam. But how was he walking alone? I needed to talk to him today

"Saffron? Are you there?" Calum brought me back to him. I faced my best friend.

"Yeah, sorry I just got distracted."

Chapter dedicated to Darcy at kinkypiratesx I hope you like it! Sorry it's so short and crappy but the next chapter will be better :) everyone please comment and vote! Feedback would be lovely! -Leeah :)

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