Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Here I was, another orphanage. Honestly I'm starting to get used to the whole 'world hates me' thing , first my parents death and now I can't find a place where I can sleep at night! Not only that, but the closest relatives me and my brother have are in France and I have lived in London my whole life, so I guess no France for me.

I look to my left and see my little brother who's holding my hand so tight I can see his knuckles turning white. Can I blame him? He's nervous, it's understandable, he's only five, I look at him in the eyes and whisper ''It is going to be okay'', 'but I don't think it will be okay', I think as I look forward and all I see is a metal gate with curved letters that read ''Wool's orphanage'', even the name gave me depression, this place just looks really, really sad.

I look to my right and see Ms. Anderson, she looks like she is in her twenties. She has dull brown hair, which are always styled in a very tight bun, Ms. Anderson usually wore gray business outfits, today she chose dull pencil skirt with a matching blazer, she also had black tights and black shoes on a small heel. Overall she's a very nice lady, I'm thankful that she is our social worker.

''I don't want to go in there.'' I said looking at her. She bent down to my level, softly smiled and said,

''Don't worry Y/N, it won't be that bad, I checked this place, it's quiet and peaceful, I'm sure you will like it here.'' 'Like it here?! How funny, i'm sure i'll love it here.' I thought internally rolling my eyes, but all I did was smile and say ''I'm sure I will, I trust you.'' ''We should probably go in.'' Ms. Anderson said with a sigh, me and my brother just nodded and looked forward.

When I looked at the building I saw a window on the third floor on the right from me, I saw a boy. He looked like he was ten, so the same age as me. He had well put together hair, pale skin and almost black eyes, they were looking right at me like I was prey, but I didn't show any fear and stared at him the same. He looked a little surprised when I returned the gesture, but quickly covered it up while a little smirk played on my lips, 'two can play this game' I thought, he intrigued me.

As the three of us walked closer to the gates they started opening. When we started walking through them, the aura around us changed. It got colder and more quiet until I couldn't hear the cars on the street anymore. ''It's quieter than I thought.'' Ms. Anderson whispered to her self.

When we finally got to a really big door, but before Ms. Anderson got a chance to knock, the door opened to reveal an old looking lady with thin hair and a fake smile on her face.

''Hello children, I'm delighted to meet you!'' 'liar' I thought knowing I have an eye for these things.

''And you must be Ms. Anderson.'' She said as shaking the social workers hand. ''It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Cole.'' Said Ms. Anderson with a polite smile.

''Well let's not stand here in the cold, and let's look at your new home! Shall we children?!'' Mrs. Cole said with a wide smile on her face, while bending down to my level. 'one of those' I thought while smelling the strong alcohol in her breath. ''Shall we?'' she asked again, in a more annoyed tone now. ''Of course!'' I said with a wide fake smile. Naturally, nobody suspected anything.

As we got inside, I looked around the lobby, the lights were very dim, and air was very thick, I didn't mind that, I kind of already knew this place will not be some Disneyland, but this just sucks the happiness out of people.

''Where will my brother sleep?'' I asked Mrs. Cole while pitting mine and my brother's coats on a hanger.

''Oh, he will be just fine where I put him. As for you sweetheart...'' She said with a smirk. ''I know exactly where to put you.'' When she said that I looked at Ms. Anderson. She didn't say anything, just looked at me and gave a reassuring smile, though I could see it in her eyes, she's freaking out. So, I did what a normal ten-year old would do. I looked at her smiled at her and said, ''Well we better get settled in.'' Ms. Anderson bent down to my level and whispered in my ear, ''Will you be, okay?'' I smiled at her. When my face reached her ear, I whispered back, '' Of course.'' Thank god I'm a good actor, ''Well than I better go!'' Said Ms. Anderson as she turned to the front door. I looked at my brother, he looked unfazed, not nervous or sad nothing, emotionless, he is overthinking something. I squeezed his hand while smiling at him. He looked back at me and forced smile, showing me that he is okay. 'Maybe I should remind him not to worry and that he can always come to me if something happens...What if other kids don't like him because he's very quiet?' I thought. I snapped out of my thoughts when the entrance door closed with a big thud.

I looked forward and saw Mrs. Cole, she was not smiling anymore, ''Well you better get settled in before supper!'' the woman said. ''Follow me, Y/N you will go to the left side of the third-floor, your brother Francis will go to the second-floor left side.'' She finished. 'Good thing we're below each other.' I thought as we followed Mrs. Cole to our rooms.

When we got to my brother's new room, there were two beds on one bed there was a boy around Francis' age. My brother put his suitcase on his new bed, he sat next to it and faced me, saying in our native language, '' je veux aller a la maison.'' (I want to go home.) (translated: from French) I look sadly at him and say, '' ç'est notre maison maintenant'' (This is our home now.) He just nodded and looked down. I sat next to him, put my palm on his shoulder and said, ''But don't worry I'll be with you forever.'' He smiled at me as I got up from his bed. I walked up to Mrs. Cole, looked at her in the eye and said, ''Mrs. Cole, please show me my room.'' She just nodded and we started walking to the third-floor left side. We walked in silence until Mrs. Cole broke it saying,

''How do you know French?'' I looked her way only to find out she's looking straight at me. '' Well, my parents were both French, my father moved here for some boarding school, and my mother joined him just a few years later, but they still were in the same year of classes.'' I finished, looking in her tired eyes. ''Oh, how nice.'' She replied. The rest of the walk was spent in silence.

We walked up to a closed door, '' And this Y/N will be your room'' Mrs. Cole said opening the wooden door only to reveal... 'oh, my, God!?'

A/N: Hope you like it. :)

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