Chapter 6

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**Zayn's POV** 

I'm kind of happy about Cassandra’s new punishment... Yeah I know it sounds kind of mean but now that she's homeschooled I get to see her more often! Lou has decided to not send her to school until they can find a tutor for her. He's being very serious about this he really does care for her.

After these couple of nights that Sandra has been missing we can all finally get some rest knowing she's okay and now Louis doesn't have to worry nonstop and can actually get some rest!!!

Louis and Eleanor went to bed early, Dani and Liam went to out to her mum's house, as for Harry, Niall and I. We had nothing to do and Cassandra had locked herself in her room because she was so upset.

"Lads I'm really bored and it's a Saturday night.... We should really do something..." Niall said with a bored tone in his voice.

"We should do something crazy but yet fun!" Harold added.

I just thought Cassandra could really make this boring night much more exciting! "Lads I know what can make our night a bit more fun and joyful..." I said smirking a bit.

"Well what is it? Spill it!" Harry protested.

"Alright but you can't tell Lou or he'll go nuts!" Niall and Harry just gave me a really weird look wondering what I could be getting at.

"Alright..."  They said.

"Just wait here a second I'll be right back!" I ran up to Cassandra's room and knocked on the door nonstop but no answer. I sent her a quick text saying

--Open the door!!—

Quickly she opened the door grabbed me by the shirt and snatched me inside.

"I'm so mad right now Zayn! How could Louis do this to me!?" She complained.

"Yeah I know but I know what could make you forget that ever happened tonight..."

"And what's that?" She asked lefting an eyebrow.

"Well Harry, Niall and I are really bored tonight and I thought maybe you can hang with us and make thing a bit more fun..." A smile came across Cassandra's face it was so big it came from ear to ear. "What are you thinking?"

"Everyone’s sleeping right?" She asked.


"Great! Come on!!!" She shut the door and locked it from the outside with a key... I really don't know how she got a key to her door because no know has one but whatever.... We ran down stairs and Sandra signaled Harry and Niall to follow behind. We got to the kitchen and she got those red plastic party cups.

"Guys help me bring those two packages of beer to the car..."

"Where are we going?" Niall asked.

"You guys want to have fun right?" She asked.

"Ermm yeah..."

"Then just do as I say and we'll have a great time!" She sassed... I can see why Louis and her are related.

We finished bring the beer packages to the car and were ready for the next instructions. "okay what now?" Harry asked.

"Who wants to drive?"

"I will..." I volunteered.

"Okay great let's go!!" Sandra said all excited getting in the car. Harry pulled me back and whispered "if she gets me killed or in trouble, the blame is on you!" I just chuckled.

** Meanwhile**

"RIGHT RIGHT TAKE THIS RIGHT! NO NOW LEFT NOW!!!!" Cassandra shouted in the backseat.

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