Chapter 8

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**Cassandra's POV**

**That Afternoon**


"For the hundredth time NO Cassandra you're grounded you can't go out with your friends!"

"Come on don't be like that!" I said crossing my arms.

"I'll stop being uptight with you when you change your ways. That's it."

"But if you want you can hang with us..." Harry suggested.

"Yeah, no thanks I'm okay..." I denied his offer.

"Aww come on Cassandra don't be so boring and hang with us tonight!" Niall said.

"Yeah come on Sandra!" Zayn said elbowing me. My backup plan was to sneak out if Louis said no but I guess I'll spend the rest of the day and night with these losers... Why not?

"Fine, whatever!"

"YEAH!" Harry said picking me up, spinning me then putting me down on the couch.

"What are you guys going to do anyways?"

"Since we have a day off from work with no interviews or anything we were just going to chill back." Niall answered.

"Oh... How fun.." I sarcastically said.

"Well actually you 5 can chill back because I'm going out with El." Louis said, my jaw dropped.

"Wait so you can go out and have fun but I can't!?"

"I'm not grounded!" Lou said back.

"Actually make that 4 of you I'm going to Andy's!" Liam said getting up and leaving exiting the house.

"Bye guys don't get into trouble..." Louis said leaving hand in hand with Eleanor. I looked at Niall, Harry, and Zayn and shook my head I couldn't believe I was left with them AGAIN, first I took them out to Nate's for fun but the only difference this time is I have no choice in whether I want to hang out with them or not... Great.

"Well bye guys!" I said getting up from the couch and walking towards the door.

Zayn pulled my arm back and asked "Whoa where do you think you're going?"

"To go with my friends what do you think?"

"No you aren't ..."

"Errm yes I am! Goodbye now!" I sassed back pulling away from his grasp.

"Ermm I think not!"

"Ugh you're just like Lou, one word... Annoying!" I walked back to my seat on the couch, crossed my arms and pouted a bit. If I had the choice in going back to my annoying parents or staying here I would go back to my parents house because I could do whatever I want and they were so passive and with Louis I always get caught doing something or always get in trouble. It feels like I have 100 eyes watching me in this damn house! It's like prison...

After minutes of silence and watching the telly, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. Turns out it was Perrie. "Hey!" She said all happy and smiley.

"Hi Perrie come in..." She greeted the boys and asked "where is everyone?"

"They went out leaving us." Zayn responded.

"Well doesn't look like you guys are having much fun..."

"WE AREN'T IM SO BORED!" I shouted out.

"Wow you're very loud like Lou, no wonder you guys are related ... But let's all do something!" She said sitting in between Zayn and I.

"Like what?" Niall and I asked simultaneously, we just look at each other weird and looked at Perrie again.

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