Chapter 12

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Today is finally the day of my party! This week went by faster than ever; school was alright, El has been checking up on me once a day and Louis calls or texts me about 5 times a day. It would be more if he could but he's always just so busy... Thank god! And also people really did see my massive text because people came over since I said I had an open house. People brought bottles and more. And I got wasted and higher than ever for free!

With the credit card Louis left me I went to the ATM and withdrawn about half the money that was on the card. With the money I bought drugs, weed, alcohol, cigarettes, hookah, hookah pens and ect. Just for the party.

I hid the stuff in my room because El never enters in there when she checks on me she just comes for about 4 minutes and leaves. I don't really think she likes me but that's alright who needs her? Not me!

I sat on the couch smoking out of a hookah pen waiting for Eleanor to do her daily check ups. I then heard the door open and close and knew it was her.

"Sandra!?" She called out.

"In here!"

"Are you okay?" She asked not bothering to even see me.

"Yeah just chilling..."

"Alright don't get into any trouble... I'm off now!"

I didn't respond as she left. I then called Max, Nate, Madison to help decorate a bit.(You might not remember Madison and Max but they're from the first few chapters.)


"Where do you want these tables?" Nate asked about to move it with the help of Max.

"I want them lined up against that wall." I pointed. "Madison come up stairs to help me out bring some stuff down." She then followed me upstairs to my room and her mouth dropped as she saw all I’ve collected and bought. "Whoa this is awesome! How'd you get all this so quickly?"

I just smiled at how amazing I was. "Don't worry about it; just help me bring all this down." We put the drugs and smoking stuff in three boxes and brought them down. "Put them one the table, but line them up nicely" I ordered.

"Whoa Sandra! This is just great! By the look of all this stuff this will sure be a hell of a great party!" Max said in amazement!

"Yeah I know, and move the couches against the walls so there is space to dance; and put out those chairs..."

They groaned and said "fine..." I then went up stairs and put the alcohol in bags and brought them down. I lined them up on the counter and put those red party cups next to them. I them got bowls and put chips and dip in them. I put the beers in the refrigerator to get nice and cold. Soon the DJ came and set up his equipment to make the party more live!

----Later That Night

"GO GO GO GO!" Every one yelled as Madison and I chugged down a bottle of beer. Tonight I was definitely feeling alive and ready to party like never before!

“People are going crazy! So many people showed up I didn't think this many would arrive!” Madison said.

“I didn’t think so too! Even girls from Saint Mary's came!” I said in shock.

“Looks like private school girls wanted to get a taste of your party side!” She said while doing a funny dance move.

"Cassandra come dance with me!" Nate called. I approached him and kissed his lips, he then turned me around put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. We grinned to the music, I felt like I could live this moment forever. Madison passed me a shot and I took it feeling more wild.

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