Chapter 20 : Welcome to Awkwardlantis

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AN: So I had an English exam today and totally fucked that up, which I think is kinda ironic, seeing as I write fan fictions almost every night, but oh well.

Also, I wanted to thank everyone who reads this story, because I've been dealing with some seriously fucked up shit recently and y'all are really keeping me going.

Reyna's POV

Sometimes Reyna really wished someone would knock her out cold. The first breakfast in Atlantis was very much one of those times.

The only things stopping Reyna from getting up and walking out of the room was respect towards the royal family, as well as the fact that her and Thalia's knee were always in contact with each other.

Neither of those things made the situation less awkward though, as there was an obvious amount of tension in the air, and without Percy to defuse it, everyone simply say and ate in silence.

"Oh for fuck's sake, I'll do it then." Reyna heard Eliana mutter. "AWKWARD SILENCE!" She yelled loudly, causing everyone except for the King to burst out laughing.

"Very funny, Eli." Poseidon sighed, looking anything but impressed. "Does anyone know when Percy will be joining us?"

Reyna almost laughed at the way almost everyone's head shot towards Annabeth.

"I- I couldn't tell you, I'm sorry." Annabeth replied, looking incredibly nervous.

"Most likely not at all." Reyna said, giving Annabeth an encouraging nod.

"And how would you know that?" The King asked.

Reyna would've answered, because she was not going to let herself be intimidated by a friend's parent, but Thalia beat her to it. "Because Piper went to get him, and he's surfing, which means she'll probably just join him." She explained.

"Very well, then we must send someone to get them both." Poseidon turned as if he was about to call someone, but Eliana interrupted him.

"Don't, dad. There's no point. Percy wants to be alone for a bit, let him be alone."

"What about Piper?" Queen Amphitrite asked.

"She's his surfing buddy. I can assure you they aren't talking, they're just surfing in silence, maybe laughing at each other for falling off of the board." Percy's brother suddenly spoke, who'd been watching with an amused expression.

"How do you know that, Triton?" The King asked.

"Well I've seen them surf together before." Triton admitted with a shrug.

"How do they even surf here? I didn't see any waves." Frank asked.

"I'm sure you already know Percy can control water, don't you?" Poseidon asked.

"Well, yes, but how can he surf while controlling the water? Doesn't that use up most of his concentration?" Jason asked in reply.

"At first, perhaps, but once he's used to it, he won't have a single issue. Percy is more powerful than me, and I control the water surrounding this island." Poseidon explained.

"How powerful is Percy, exactly?" Leo asked.

"I thought we were done with the questions." Thalia muttered next to Reyna.

Reyna knew Thalia wasn't being mean. Thalia hadn't really slept well, which meant she was going to be snarky all day, which didn't bother Reyna in the slightest, but she knew it would rub a few people the wrong way.

"You can't put a number on it, if that's what you're asking." Surprisingly, it was Annabeth who'd answered.

"Did he tell you about... you know?" Will asked.

"Yes, he did." Annabeth replied simply.

"Huh, I really thought you two were doing something else." Thalia admitted.

"More like doing each other." Eliana muttered loud enough for everyone to head, causing Annabeth to go red in the face as everyone began laughing.

Reyna did feel slightly bad for Annabeth though. She'd finally fallen for someone, and all she got from it was constant teasing from her friends.

She desperately hoped that Percy would soon make a move before Annabeth completely stopped believing in love.

"I think the only thing that'll make him accept that he's capable of being loved is her pinning him to a wall and snogging his brains out." Eliana whispered to her, reading her mind as always.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't realise even then." Thalia snickered.

"I hope he does." Reyna mumbled. "He deserves to be happy, they both do."

The awkward tension had thankfully left the room slightly and separate conversations had started.

"I hope Percy does realise his feelings for her, and her's for him, because they'd be perfect together." Eliana said.

"Yeah, if Piper and him were talking, I'm sure she'd be either telling him to ask her out or teasing him about it." Thalia agreed.

"What about Piper and Mr. Blond with glasses over there?" Eliana asked. "Something going on between them?"

"Not yet, huh?" She added, obviously seeing Reyna's look of slight disappointment.

Sometimes she wished she could just shove her friends into a cupboard and only let them out when they'd admitted their feelings for each other, but Nico would always remind her of how sputtery she was around Thalia when she'd started falling for her harder than ever.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Reyna noticed Annabeth slipping away from the table and out of the room. She had a pretty good idea of where Annabeth was going, but decided against stopping her.

"How many more of my brothers' children is my son going to bring here?" Poseidon asked loudly and sarcastically with a laugh.

Reyna turned her head and saw that the King had been speaking with Hazel, who had probably mentioned her relationships Nico.

"I mean, I knew you were," Poseidon spoke, gesturing to Jason. "Your eyes are a dead giveaway, but a daughter of Hades, that's a new one for me." The King continued speaking.

"Brothers?" Jason asked.

"Yes! Hades and Zeus are my two brothers." Poseidon said. "I mean, I thought I'd seen it all, but four children of my brothers all writing an exam."

"Woah... that's so cool though, that means you're related to Percy!" Leo exclaimed, smacking himself against the forehead.

"Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious!" Thalia muttered.

"But then, if you're related to two kings who both rule in the old world, why are you on an island in the middle of nowhere?" Hazel asked.

"Well then, I guess it's time for a story." Poseidon sighed, adjusting his seating position. "Buckle up for a wild ride, kids."

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