-Chapter 5-

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"Marley? Marley!" Kaya snaps her fingers in my face, startling me out of my daze. I was thinking about the day when Sierra promised to show me different worlds, but so far, she had been avoiding me.

"Yes, Kaya?" I ask.

"We... I have something to tell you." Kaya giggles, glancing at Jasper. Then, seeing me spacing out again, she punches me in the arm.

"Ow!" I rub my arm gently. "That actually hurt."

"That was the point, dumbass." Kaya scowled. "I literally gave you the biggest hint ever, and you still didn't respond. What's wrong with you?"

I sigh. "You're right, I'm sorry. Now, tell me what you were going to say."

Jasper clears his throat nervously. "Kaya and I are dating." He wraps an arm around Kaya, and I almost throw up.

"WHAT?" No way in hell. Kaya and Jasper? Never in a million worlds would such a pairing be made. "You guys are barely even friends. When did that turn into girlfriend and boyfriend?"

"When you started spacing out every time we'd talk." Kaya scowls again. "Do you really think I would ever be with a guy like Jasper?"

Japser frowns. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Sorry." Kaya shrugs.

"Wait, so you guys just made this up so I would pay attention to you?" I sheepishly grin. "Sorry for being a bad friend these days, but you scared the crap out of me. I didn't know what I would do if you guys were actually dating."

"If that day ever comes, Marley, save me." Kaya begs dramatically. "Kill me or something. Anything would be better than to be doomed to the fate of being with someone like Jasper."

Jasper frowns again. "I feel attacked here. I'm leaving. See you never again, Kaya."

Kaya rolls her eyes as the bell rings. "Let's go, Marley. Don't want to be late to whatever class you have next."

"AP Studio Art," I remind her.

"Marley Aspen!" A voice shouts.

Without turning around, I know who it is. Sierra. Only Sierra would insist upon calling me by my first and last name all the time. "Just Marley," I call back. "What's up?"

"Let's get the hell out of here." Sierra catches up to me, her eyes bright and sparking with life. "This prison can no longer hold me. I call for a jailbreak."

"We're not seniors. We're juniors," Kaya hisses. "It's not our turn to skip school yet. We still have to worry about getting into colleges first. Marley, don't you care about your schooling and education? We have to go now, or we'll be late."

"Okay, bye!" Sierra calls cheerfully to Kaya, dragging me to the parking lot.

"Marley!" I hear Kaya's voice. I turn my head around, seeing she is looking at me pleadingly. Sorry, I mouth.

"You don't care about school?" I ask Sierra.

Sierra shrugs. "Oh, I care enough. It's the only thing school and my parents has ever really taught me anyways— to care about school, but that doesn't mean I'll willingly agree to be cooped up in this dungeon forever. Everyone needs fresh air to thrive."

"Where are you dragging me?" I demand as Sierra forces me into her truck.

"My house. Then, we'll go outside. It's going to rain today!" She says excitedly. "And take off your shoes. We have no need for that." In a swift motion, she unties my shoelaces and throws my shoes out the window.

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