"This will be okay" I say well I look around a 1 bedroom one bathroom home with a living room kitchen and closet. "Yeah, it's kinda small but we can rent a different condo if you want" Taylor said. "We can start looking tomorrow if you want" I say. "Ok, goodnight" Taylor whispers in my ear well snuggling me. "Goodnight bae" I whisper back then cuddle him closer.
"Good morning beautiful" Taylor said well walking me up and handing me bacon, toast, fruit, and a Tim Hortons coffee. "Oh you know me to well" I say then giving Tay a kiss😘.
*~*I turn away from him and grab my breakfast and ate it. I look down at my iPhone and see I have a text message from Cameron.
Cam💔: hey can we please talk today... Are you okay?! I herd you were in an awful crash and was wondering were you are I did stop at your house but all the girls told me to "Go away" and that I don't want you anymore.
Me: yeah I'm fine but I'm busy today sorry😏
Cam💔: oh okay well text me whenever you have my number don't be afraid to text me😑
Me: yeah okay bye
Cam💔: bye beautiful (still love you)
*Convo end*
Taylor's POV
Ashley left her iPhone here when she left to go hangout with her friends I couldn't help but to see her texting Cameron earlier so I wanna know what it was about. I pick up her phone and scroll threw the convo and see that he has hit on here so I get his number and message him on my iPhone.
Me: Hey, man I don't appreciate you hitting on Ashley I'm her boyfriend and you two are over sorry to break it to ya.
Dick head Cam
Cameron's name in Taylor's iPhone^^^
Dick head Cam: Oh sorry man but you now what I don't appreciate you taking my girl k?
Me: stfu I fucking love her
Cam: I do... I've never liked you even when we were in Magcon together I knew you were shady...
Me: shut up you were the shady one.
*Convo end*
I don't like fighting over line so I decided to go find his apartment and settle this like real men. Ashley isn't coming home tell 4:00 and it 2:45 so I have enough time😌
Sorry guys for such a short chapter but my finger tips hurt...

The Secret Ex Girlfriend
Teen Fiction" The secret ex girlfriend " is about Ashley finding out that her boyfriend has a past with cheating and has met one of his ex's and told her about his past but Cameron ( the boyfriend ) says that she's crazy and that he's never had cheated but will...