I finally get home after a five hour drive from my parents house to see Cam and walk through the door and Cameron's on the couch watching a Habs game I swear he only likes the Habs because of his best friend Carry Price. "Babe I'm home!!!" I say and Cameron screams and the jumps of the couch and hugs me. "I missed you sooooo much" Cameron says and hugs me tight. "Missed you more there better be room on the next tour" I lecture. "Ahah love you, and if they don't I won't go!" Cameron pouts. "Love you too😂" I say. We end up going swimming in the lake and then going back inside to watch Netflix and then go to be.
~ The Next Day ~
Cameron's POV
I wake up from the worst sleep I heard a lot of sounds coming from downstairs and know I'm going down to look,
(Ashley's still asleep)
I go into the guest rooms but there was nothing so then I look in the master bedroom washroom and see a note on the toilet, and it reads...
" Dear Ashley, I'm going to get you back I swear
Ps. Dump Cameron and text me"
Ashley's POV
I roll off the bed and go into the washroom walking behind Cameron. "What's that?" I ask sounding confused, as to why he's holding a note. "It's its nothing..." Cameron lies. "Babe I know your lying" I say stealing the note and reading it. "I'm sorry I said it was nothing I just don't want you to feel unsafe with me or scared I wanna protect you and make you feel safe" Cameron said and it makes my heart feel warm and comfy. "I love you and I know I'm save with you" I say back about to rip the note. "NO" Cameron yells. "We should save it for when we take him to court for proof" Cameron continues. "How are you so smart" I say. "You nerd!" I whisper, and he laughs. "Come on CAI lets go find more evidence!" I joke, and Cameron chuckles. We go down stairs to see foot prints leading up to the bathroom and we follow tell the living room window that was wide open. I shut it and we take photo evidence of everything then call our lawyer who says we're going to court with him in a day. "Let's go do something and not let this ruin our day beautiful" Cameron says to me and I agree. We end up deciding that were gunna have a meet and greet outside of our house and we tweet #comeseecamandAshleyforfree
And it went world wide and about 1000 people came that day and we went for a swim with them too and shot it was like a party.
Cameron's POV
Everyone ends up going home so we decide to go to bed since tomorrow's a big day.

The Secret Ex Girlfriend
Teen Fiction" The secret ex girlfriend " is about Ashley finding out that her boyfriend has a past with cheating and has met one of his ex's and told her about his past but Cameron ( the boyfriend ) says that she's crazy and that he's never had cheated but will...