Ashley's POV
Its four o'clock and I get woken up by my alarm clock. I turn on my side and wake up Cameron. Cameron goes to the resort that we're having the wedding at. I get out of bed and take all of my stuff To the resort to dress, jewelry, makup, etc. I get there And I get assigned a room for me and my bridesmaids to get ready in and the room down the hall is Cameron's. I get down to were the reception will be and see my planers rushing around looking stressed. "Is everything ok?!" I ask concerned and stressed. "Yup were just on a tight time line" the planner said. "Ok, just tell me if you guys need anything" I say. "Oh no no were fine!" The planner says. "Ok" I say and look down at my phone and see its already 7 so I go get coffee and donuts for everyone then went home and called to confirm that everyone was coming and they were expected for the one person I really wanted to come Cameron's sister Jazzy. I go and hangout with Cameron before the wedding and we go swimming then we see its 12 o'clock and we rush into our separate rooms and me and all my bridesmaids get ready because the weddings at 130.
My Bridesmaids:
Jack j
I get ready and all the bridesmaids were there except for Jaz and right when I was gunna give up I turn around and she hugs me. "I'm so sorry!!!" Jazzy apologizes. "I knew you'd come" I say giving her a bear hug. We all get ready and all the bridesmaids look at me when I get my dress on. "Your beautiful!" Savannah compliments me and I respond with a "thanks". We all line up in the hallway and we all come out on our cue. First the bridesmaids, then the flower girl (Skylynn), then the ring man, then me! But right now the boys are getting set up.
Cameron's POV
I've never felt this happy and excited I love her and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She starts to walk down the aisle and I can't help but to tear up.
Ashley's POV
I walk up the aisle and can't help to tear up with happiness. I finally get up to hold hands with cameron and we say our do's, give each other's rings and kiss. And I swear it was the most passionate kiss I've ever had and I would never change it for anything in the world... But maybe food... JK. I get change into a lighter dress and flats I can dance in. "And now clear the floor for the bride and groom dance." The DJ says and Cameron takes my hand and we dance to our wedding song and I rest my head on Cameron's shoulder and he kisses me head. After we we were done we all danced then jumped into the ocean. It was 5 and we all went to eat we ate crab, lasagna, and chicken el Fraydo and for dessert Twinkies, cake (Duh...), and fudge (not all together you pick a mane dish then eat all the dessert you want. The wedding was done and Cameron and I started driving home with a corny sine on the back of the car that says "just married" and all our wedding guest cheered for us. We were driving and all of a sudden the driver stops and gets out. "Sorry something went in front of the car but it's good now" the driver explains and we start to drive again until we get home and Cameron carries me in and then sets me down and we get changed and make a YouTube video of us opening all our wedding gifts because we didn't open them at the wedding. Cameron clicks start on the camera. "Hey guys it's Cameron" "and Ashley!" I add. "And were here with a new video" Cameron says. "So as you know we just had our wedding and we literally just got back, it was the best day of my life..." I say. "And so since we didn't open all our gifts we thought we'd open them for you!" I say. We open 3 gifts each then say goodbye and end the video. We open the rest and I looked confused because Jazzy the most kindest person I've ever met didn't get me a gift so I text her.
Me: Weres my gift bitch?
Jaz😘✌️: I'm coming over with it its huge!
Me: I was joking around but okk...
Jaz😘✌️: open the door
Convo end
I open the door and jazzy jumps up on my lap. "We were already married then you had to ruin it" Jazzy yells at Cameron (joking). "Well I love her moree!" Cameron jokes. "Uh uh?!!" Jaz yells. "Enough... Your my husband and your my lesbian wife!" I say. "Come outside and see your gift!!!" Jazzy says dragging my arm so I follow her outside with Cameron too and we walk up toa box with holes in the side and Matt gets out of the car and opens the box and a little monkey popped his head out. I pick the monkey up and it kisses me. "Awe!!! Is it a girl or a boy?!" I ask. "Boy he doesn't have a name and he's like a made!" Matthew says. "Well thanks... Love you guys" I say hugging Jaz and Matt. "You guys should come over more often!" Cameron says bonding with the monkey. "Hey you only want them to come over more often so they'll buy you stuff!" I joke. "Hahaha" Matt and Jazzy laugh. They leave and we set up a bed on the couch and we all go to bed.

The Secret Ex Girlfriend
Roman pour Adolescents" The secret ex girlfriend " is about Ashley finding out that her boyfriend has a past with cheating and has met one of his ex's and told her about his past but Cameron ( the boyfriend ) says that she's crazy and that he's never had cheated but will...