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I jump out of the passenger seat of the old truck when Carl comes around the house. He sees the dead flesh eater and looks at me, "everything okay?" he asks. "Ah yeah I killed him a few days ago." I said to him giving the thing a kick.
"We should get him away from the house, let's move him out into the woods aways." Carl says pointing out toward the woods that lay behind the little shed.
I glance back to the house waiting for someone to come out to check out what we're doing. But no shows up, "alright let's do it quickly."
"Okay grab the walker by his arms and I'll get em by his legs." He instructs me. I will always understand why they call it dead weight now, because that sucker was heavy as hell!
We're a little ways into the woods when I realize that I'm weapon less. "This is far enough." I say and we drop the walker as they call them, next to a tree. I hear a twig snap I spin around looking in all directions for what could've caused it. Carl's got his gun out, at least he's armed.
I turn away from him to look in that direction but see nothing, I keep looking to make sure. I hear ruckus behind me, I turn around quick to see Carl in the arms of a man with Carl's gun to his own head.
"What do you want?" I ask my voice deep and loud. "I want you! You got my buddies killed a couple of nights ago." The man points the gun towards me. I look to Carl's face he looked confused at what the man had just said but fearful. He struggles to get a way from the man but the man was stronger.
"Let him go! Or your going to have to deal with one pissed off father, that will gut your ass if you hurt him!" I said with a pissed off face. I took a step closer slowly, waiting for him to point the gun at me again. Because in that second he did I was going to tackle both of them to the ground and get that gun away from him.
" The onl-" I ran at them slamming into both of them, as I did I took my left hand to the gun and twisted it out of the guys hand. When we hit the ground I had it free of him, because it all happened so fast he couldn't register what was happening. I was on my feet with the gun pointed right at him. Carl had taken the opportunity to get away from the guy and was on his feet eyeing me.
"You fucking bitch!" The guy said standing up and coming at me but I brought my knee up, connecting it with his groin. He fell to the ground on to his knees. "I don't want to hear another fucking guy ever call me a bitch again!" I say cracking with anger, the trigger was pulled before I could change my mind. Blood splattered onto my face, I shot the guy right in the head.
I don't know how long I've stood there staring at the guys dead body laying on the ground with the gun still raised up pointing at him. I snap out of it when I hear Carl say, "We need to get back my dad is going to be going nuts if he realizes I'm gone, and that shot probably attracted walkers." I start to walk back first but gave him his gun back as I walk by him. That was the first time I've ever shot a gun too. Both first shots were kill shots.
As we're walking out of the woods Rick is coming at me, he slams me into the sled. "What happened?" He's furious. "Let her go, she saved my life." Carl says grabbing his dad by the shoulder. Daryl's behind Rick with his cross bow, but ends up lowering it.
Anger is still flowing through me. There was another one of those guys. What if there's more of them!
As soon as Rick lets me loose I push past him, giving Daryl a shove on my way, "I'm going for a walk." I say to no one in particular. I'm pissed they don't trust me, and that more of those guys could be out there.
"Your gonna tell me all that happened son." I hear Rick saying as I walk away. I walk by the woman with the sword, she eyes me then nods to me. She heard everything, it's like she knows how it is to not be trusted.
I'm walking the road that we all just came from just a couple hours ago with no weapon or anything. It's like I'm at the point of not caring what happens to me at all right now.
I decide to go off into the woods, and that's exactly what I do.

💗💗💗 Hey guys! :) I wrote this on my iPod so it published really weirdly on here! So I'll edit it and everything later on okay! Please leave feed back
please it'd mean a lot!

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