chapter 2

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I wish there was a stop Sighn in the doorway of my life. People leave without saying goodbye and then I never hear from them again. I was in math class not paying attention as usual. I raised my hand looking anxious because I could feel the glares I was getting from behind me."yes hailey what do you need?" I asked to go to the restroom but instead went out to the back of the school. Sometimes my emotions take control of me and I can't do anything else but scream. I looked at the red brick and started to punch with all my force. I collapsed to the dirt. I look behind me at the ground and found two red basketball shoes and some combat boots. I stand up to find him hugging a girl while secretly grabbing her tiny butt. I looked up and saw it was my ex best friend... DO NOT FORGET THE EX. I look at her and she pushes him off. In tears I start to scream and notice her hand on his making him grab her then I notice her smug look and all of the tears turn into a fire of rage I couldn't keep inside. I grabbed his arm and pulled him tears me then I smack the living hell out of her. She lifts her face up and blood started to poor from her mouth. I laughed and walked away with my new main

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