Chapter 4

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"You...don't know?" she carefully asked, saying the words slowly as if I would not be able to understand her.

I shut my eyes, trying to remember, and held my head with both of my hands.

"I got nothing." I opened my eyes, staring at her, trying not to panic. "There is nothing but a blank space."

"Oh my." She sat on the chair she had been sleeping on; in fact, she dropped her body onto the chair. I ran my hands through my hair and came into a previously unknown spot of pain. Great. As if I were not in sufficient pain. "You must've hit your head."

She stood up and looked for the wound as if it were the most common thing in the world, combing through a naked stranger's hair.

I grimaced in pain when her fingers ran over the back of my head.

"Or someone might have done this to you. You really do not remember anything?"

"The only thing I recall is waking up in a car; my leg burned and my shoulder ached horribly. It was hard to wake up because I was so dizzy, and when I finally did, I heard some people discussing having killed someone. I figured they were talking about me, so I played dead."

"That was smart."

"Yes, I guess it was. Even though it was so painful. They simply left my body in the middle of nowhere. So I stood up and walked. I had no idea where I was and didn't think it through until I saw the light. I think I fainted before I could tell you anything."

"Yes, you passed out on my front porch. I was so scared when I saw you covered in blood. At first, I thought you were dead, and then when I felt your pulse, I worried about the tourniquet killing you. Despite all my fear, I just took you inside and tried to remember my grandfather's words. I managed to stop the bleeding, but we have to go to the hospital. Now."


"No?" She repeated what I said as it were the most stupid thing she ever heard. This probably could be the case.

"I... I don't think I can walk just yet. You said the worst part is over, so can I just rest a little more before we go to the hospital?" She bit her mouth, and without even knowing it, I could see what she was thinking.

"Look, I'm not a bad guy, and I promise I won't hurt you while I'm here." She was still looking at me suspiciously, so I decided to be sincere; there was no reason not to be. "The truth is, I'm scared, okay? I can't explain it, but the mere idea of leaving these walls makes my heart race inside my chest, and my head gets tight, if that makes any sense at all. So, I'm just asking for a little bit of time until I feel a little better, less dizzy, and able to position myself enough to know which way the sun rises and sets."

"Well, I know you are not a bad guy. You are a cop." Her gaze became more gentle, and a small smile even played on her lips. "I mean, of course, you could be one of the many corrupt cops in the world, but I don't know, something about how you always frown makes me believe you're honest."

"Do I?"

"Do you what? Frown or are a cop?"

I laughed for the first time since I woke up. "I am sure I heard better jokes in my life, but since I don't remember them, that makes this one very funny. But yes, I was wondering about being a cop; I don't feel like one."

"But you are, and according to your uniform, your name is John Ferreira."

"John Ferreira," I repeated, playing with the words on my mouth. "Sounds like an old man, someone who would invent the light bulb or something like this."

It was her turn to laugh at my silly joke. She had a beautiful smile.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but the man who invented the light bulb was called Thomas Edison."

"Well, I know many things now. I know my name and that I didn't invent the light bulb, but I don't know yours yet."

"Carrie, my name is Carrie Carson. Now, enough chatting; you need to rest so we can go to the hospital."

My smile gradually faded. I didn't know if I was afraid of the darkness of sleep before, but now I was terrified.

"Is it too weird if I ask you to hold my hand?"

"It certainly is, sir. But don't worry, I am a weird person myself," she said, moving closer to me and holding my hand. "You are safe here."

I closed my eyes and relaxed my aching body. The small hand exerted little pressure on mine, just enough to give me the warmth I clung to as I slid gently toward dreams.

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