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"Okay then. My first demand is for you to tell me the owl's tale."

"Sounds fair. Get yourself comfortable." Carrie took my advice seriously. She took a pillow and put it behind her back while getting under the covers. I could feel it was a cold night, but we were warm inside the cabin. "This is a story my mother used to read to me when I was a little kid, so I might have forgotten one detail or two. Also, I am not a great storyteller."

"C'mon, just start already." She smiled, moving her hands as if she were trying to hurry me.

"This is the owl's tale. Once upon a time, there was a big forest. Deep into the woods where no human eye could see, the animals lived in harmony, ruled by a king. The lion was a just and benevolent king, always attentive to the needs of his people. Suddenly one day, at sunrise, the forest woke up with a loud roar.

'Aaaaaaaaaaaah, someone stole the king's crown. Someone stole the king's crown.' A parrot made sure not only to wake everyone up but to carry the news across the kingdom. It didn't take long, and the monkeys were whispering to each other. 'How could it be?' they exclaimed between one banana and another. 'A king without a crown is not a king.'

The lion king then summoned all his subjects to the wisest animal in the forest: the owl.

'My dear people, someone stole my crown. I want it back. Do not fear, for I will be benevolent with the one who returns it, or give me a clue as to where it may be. However,' the king warned in a voice as strong as thunder, 'I will not be benevolent with liars. Be honest and sincere, and nothing bad should happen.'

A vast line formed, and everyone began to testify.

'We were sleeping; we didn't see anything,' said the monkeys.

'I was sleeping; I don't know anything,' said the porcupine.

'I had my head buried in the ground, as I was asleep. I didn't hear anything,' said the ostrich.

And so it was with all animals.

No one had seen or heard anything. It had been a cold night, and everyone had squeezed closer to each other while they slept. Nobody wanted to pick a fight on cold nights.

Everyone had been interrogated, except for one animal. The wisest of all. The only one who was awake during the nights.

'Owl, you who are so wise, please help me with this case. My people said they saw and heard nothing, and yet my crown is gone. Should I eat them all?'

'Oh, great king,' said the owl, standing before everyone. 'I believe you should look better for the culprit, and that whoever it is should be punished.'

The eyes from all the animals gathered around the owl's nest, widened in surprise. The owl's small, slender legs were unable to hide the crown's brightness that lay beneath it.

'You are always so wise, my dear owl. I agree with your words.' And the lion with a single move ate the owl.

You see, lies have short legs."

"I am speechless. This was a very good story." Her eyes were almost closed.

"I am glad you liked it, ma'am. You should try to get some sleep now." She shook her head.

"No, I need to change your dressings first."

"I guess that can wait until tomorrow morning, don't you think?"

"What kind of nurse would I be if I slept instead of taking care of my favorite patient?" Carrie uncovered and stood up.

"I am your only patient, and you don't have to worry about me going anywhere. Because if you remember, dear nurse, I was shot. In the leg."

"I do. And by the way, in a couple days, I guess it would be good for you to start to move your leg." She went to the kitchen and came back with a box filled with medicine and bandages.

"Now, I need you to turn a little to the side so I can see how your shoulder is doing." I did as she said, and I felt the soft brush of her fingers on my skin as she cleaned, disinfected, and put the dressing back on. "Your shoulder is looking great. It's healing very well. You were very lucky that the person who shot you did not have good aim and did it from a good distance. They used a shotgun that would have blown off half your arm, but you only received the bullet fragments. It must have hurt like hell but didn't cause any major damage."

"Yes, I can tell that. Even though it was painful as if someone had burned me with volcanic lava, I could move my arms and my hands without any problem."

"Thank God, because I am not that good of a nurse. You'll have to take your pants off."

"You could take me out for dinner first." She rolled her eyes, but I saw her lips moving a little bit in an unwanted smile.

She helped me to take my pants off by gently pulling them. My leg was not as healed as my shoulder.

"Fate or luck. Whatever it is, it really likes you. Or they knew the limits of my medical knowledge, because the bullet grazed your leg. It didn't catch any veins. Otherwise, you would have died of hemorrhage, despite your tourniquet. I must repeat, never ever make a tourniquet again."

"I hope with all my heart that I am not in a situation where I have to consider making one ever again." Her hands moved quickly as we spoke. Carrie was so focused that a line formed between her eyebrows. I wanted to hold her face between my hands and kiss her from her frowned forehead to her lips; however, it would not be right. After all, she was letting me stay at her place. Carrie was taking care of me without asking for anything in return.

I could be dangerous, and even I wouldn't know. Still, she saved my life and I was in debt with her.

"Why are you staring at me?" she asked without taking her eyes from my leg.

"Because you look tired. You should be sleeping, not taking care of a stranger. I am sorry to be such a heavy burden."

"Don't be. I enjoy your company. Plus, I wouldn't be sleeping anyway." She finished dressing my leg and looked at me. "Like the owl from your story, I am always up at night writing, although I am no thief, no liar."

"Thank God, or I would have to arrest you!" I added in a more serious tone. "But really, you need to sleep."

"I will finish outlining this book first. I was finally able to write after such a long time." Carrie yawned while handing me a painkiller. "Thanks for the story; it was lovely." I held her hand.

"Please. Let's get some rest. Sleep with me." Her eyes widened, and she swallowed hard. "You are tired, and I don't want you to sleep on that uncomfortable couch. This bed is big enough for both of us. Don't look so worried, Carrie. I might not remember many things, but I do remember enough to know how to behave like a decent man. You have my word that I won't try anything."

I moved until my back found the wall on which the bed was resting.

"Take the pill." I did while she took off her shoes and lay down beside me.

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