dinner pt 2

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Olivia's POV

As I walk towards our table I see mommy chose mac's cheese for us to eat. I really wanna eat it but I can't. I walk towards her with my head down and place myself on her lap.
- Awww Ari she's so cute.
Dalton says and mommy giggles as I cover my face on her neck.
She turns me around to face the food making me whine, but keeps me on her lap.
- Here Livvy, try it. It's yummy!
Mama says holding a fork with a little bit of macaroni in front of my mouth.
- Nuh uh!
I lay back on her and she sighs. Probably giving up.
I'm tired and I just wanna cuddle with her.
Before I close my eyes I spot a can of diet coke and immediately lean towards the table to reach it but I frown when mommy grabs it first and puts it further from me.
I yell and whine looking at her, only to receive a hard glare from her.
- First off, you do not yell. And second, you're not getting any of it if you don't eat your food.
- B-But... I WANT IT!!!

Ariana's POV

I look at Olivia shocked when she yells at me again. I understand she has problems with food, but I need to be harsh sometimes. If I keep letting her do what she wants she'll either go inpatient or die, and there's not a chance I'm allowing those to happen.
Luckily, I explained to Dalton what's going on with her eating disorder before the food got here. I imagined something like this would happen, so at least he understands it.
- If you yell one more time we're going home and you won't be able to play with Elena on the playground anymore.
I said calmly, trying to get her to understand it. She just leans back on me and closes her eyes. Poor thing must be tired.

Skip dinner

Elena finished her food quickly so she and Olivia stayed most of the time playing around. Livvy must be hungry cause she didn't eat, couldn't drink her diet coke and refused even water. I didn't bring milk neither breastfeed her cause I'm only giving it to her before bedtime.
Me and Dalton got to know each other better, and maybe tomorrow he'll come over to my place with Elena.
Right now I'm parking my car at the garage. I pick Livvy up, who's sleeping, and take her to my room.
- Mama?
She asks when I lay her down on my bed.
- Yes baby, it's mama. Now come here it's time for milky and then sleep.
I said taking off my bra and sitting down. I positioned her on my lap and hold her as she latches on my nipple sucking on it slowly.

Hiii guys!!! Another short chapter Im sorry 😞 But im trying my best, this week im just really occupied

Lemme know what u think!!


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