Chapter 3

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Another chapter, it's the weekend so I have a lot of time on my hands. During the week there wont be this many updates :) This one is back into Jess' Pov. I hope you guys enjoy. Please leave a comment on what you think, that would be greatly appreciated.

                                                     xxxx JessiieeLovee


On Monday at school I went to sit at my usual lunch table with my best friend Sam, and her boyfriend of 10 months Bart. They looked really weird smiling at me like I was a God or something, but I took no note of it and ate my lunch.

"So we've noticed you were kindof down lately and so we were wondering if you wanted to come out with us tonight. For dinner?" Sam asked me with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Um hate to break it to guys, but I really dont like to be the third wheel." It was true, that was something I absolutely could not stand.

"Well the thing is you dont have to be. We mightve asked someone if they wanted to come with you on a double date with us and they basically threw themselves at the opportunity." Bart replied smiling at me. This could not be good. I will admit, I'm not the worlds prettiest girl, but Im not ugly. I was basically average, with chocolate brown hair, and brown eyes with a hint of green in them. I wasnt pale white, and I recently got my braces off so I had perfect teeth. According to most people I had a curvy body, all in the right places.

"Okay, so who's the lucky guy then?" I asked them putting my head in my hands. Really I didnt have time for this, and Sam knew about my feelings for Harry yet she set me up on a double date.

"Okay I know you like Harry and stuff but hes gone now and you could really use someone to distract you" No one could distract me unless Justin Bieber was infront of me right now, and frankly that dream was too good to be true.

"Just tell me who it is" I had a feeling this is going to be a night that I was going to regret for a long time.


"WHAT?!" I screamed almost too loudly, causing the lunch room to look at me. Dylan was a guy that had liked me since we started Year 10. I was now in Year 12, and he still had a massive crush on me.

"He's a sweet guy Jess, and he really likes you"

"Sam he follows me to class. He watches me abnormally close when I wrote on the blackboard. He stares at me during the entire lunch period."

"Well cant break the poor guys heart now can ya?" She said with a huge grin spread across her face.

~Hours later~

Sam and I sat in my room, getting ourselves ready for our double date. Even though I didnt entirely want to be going out with Dylan tonight I figured what the hell might as well look good. I decided on wearing a white summer dress that cut to about 3 inches above my knees with some sliver flats. I dont wear a ton of makeup so it was limited to black eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. Then finally I had my hair in waves with my side bangs straightened.

After we waited for a bout 30 minutes the boys arrived at our door. I wasnt going to lie, Dylan was cute, but he was no Harry. His hair cut was the same as Justin Bieber's only his was black. His blue eyes resembled the ocean and his face was perfect.

We were at the restaurant and I started to get rather annoyed with Dylans only source for conversation. Basically he kept telling me how amazing I looked tonight, and after an entire car ride it got rather frustrating.

We ordered our food, and I couldnt help but feeling annoyed. Sam and Bart were having a nice conversation and Dylan just sat there staring lovingly at me. I couldnt help but tweet this funny situation and chuckled to myself thinking if I told Harry about this night what he would say.

"So Dylan, whats your favourite school subject?" I asked him trying to strike up some conversation. This night could not get any more awkward.

"Maths." He replied and then went back to staring at me.

"Why do you like maths?"

"Its the only class that I have you in" I was wrong, the night just got way more awkward.

When we left the restaurant we dropped Dylan off first. I thanked Sam for ruining my night, and told her never to set me on a double date with him again. I then ran inside my house and started on my English homework. What a terrible night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2011 ⏰

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