They always knew they were different, just not sure how. Just something about everything didn't seem right. At the age of fourteen they realized they were bi, but even after that there was something else. Around the age of eighteen was when they discovered that they aren't who they wanted to be. Just before their nineteenth birthday they came out to their family as non-binary. Now their family handled the bisexuality thing pretty well but this wasn't something they could get behind. The most upset was their mom. She thought she had a boy, at least she raised a boy anyway, and she didn't want to lose her son. She didn't understand that Riley would always be her child no matter how they identify. There was argument after argument until Riley couldn't take it anymore. They said goodbye, left and never looked back.
The Happy To Chat Bench Part Two
Короткий рассказRiley has so much going on in their life now, new house, new relationship, but yet they're still missing something. What will happen if that missing piece shows back up.